With Everything I Am(117)

Luckily, Sonia thought, Mabel and Kerry were the kind of people who took their employer’s all of a sudden “elopement” in stride. Knowing them, they probably thought it was incredibly romantic.

However, it was highly likely that others, say the guests at her annual Christmas party, would not. They would think it was curious, even weird.

Sonia sighed. So she was weird. She could live with that and had her whole life. It was the least of her worries.

Kerry took Sonia from these disturbing thoughts and turned to Regan.

“So you’re mystery, hot, loaded, new hubby’s Mom. Dig it! I’m Kerry,” and she offered her hand which Regan shook.

Not to be outdone, Mabel leaned in to shake Regan’s hand after Kerry while saying, “And I’m Mabel and you can tell your son I get the first congratulations kiss.”

Kerry turned to Mabel and protested, “Why do you get the first kiss?”

“Because I’ve been in the shop longer,” Mabel shot back.

“By… a day,” Kerry returned and this was true, they’d both been with her since it opened and they started one day after the other.

“I’m sure Callum will be delighted to receive both your congratulatory kisses,” Regan stated, smiling with great humor at Sonia.

Sonia was sure he’d like it too. Kerry and Mabel were both uncommonly pretty. Heck, considering what had been inferred by Caleb, Calder and Yuri, Callum might see the two of them and go on the make.

“Callum. That’s an excellent name,” Kerry commented, again tearing Sonia from her thoughts.

“And, seriously, I want what you’re drinking because if you’re Sonia’s hubby’s mother, and you look like Sonia’s sister, then it’s got to be good,” Mabel noted.

“First-rate skin care regime,” Regan blithely replied. “I’ll write down the products I use.”

“Excellent!” Kerry cried.

“I’m Regan,” she introduced herself. “And I’d love a tour of the store.”

“I’ve gotta get back to my customers,” Kerry said, grinning as she walked away. “I’ll be back.”

“I’ll show you the store, come on,” Mabel offered and then hooked her arm through Regan’s and led her away as Regan threw a smile over her shoulder at Sonia.

The tall, dark-haired lady came forward and got close.

“My queen,” she said softly.

Sonia looked in her startling, clear, gray eyes, something she could do as she was wearing heels and the woman was in flats. If Sonia had not been in heels, she’d be looking up.

“Please,” Sonia replied quietly, “I’m Sonia.”

The woman’s gaze warmed and she nodded.

“And you are?” Sonia prompted.

“Diana,” she replied.

“Well, thank you Diana, for being here while I’ve, erm… been away. I appreciate it.”

“Anything for my queen,” Diana stated but when Sonia opened her mouth to speak, Diana quickly went on. “Though, your girls are such fun, it hasn’t felt like doing a duty for my king. It’s been a blast. More fun than I’ve had in ages.”

Sonia’s smile was not forced but genuine when she said, “They’re a bit nuts but you’re right, they’re a lot of fun.”

A customer approached the counter ready to check out and Diana turned to her as the customer said on a smile, “Obviously this is a special occasion, I can wait for you to ring me up.”

“It is a special occasion,” Mabel shouted from across the store where she was standing with Regan and Regan was examining a delicate glass decanter. “And after the tour, I’m running out to get champagne!”