With Everything I Am(115)

A show.

Not the sweet, tender behavior of newly claimed mates.

But a performance for his people sitting around that table so they would think all was well in the world of the king and his queen.

It was then her strange, brief contentment fled and Sonia made the fierce determination that she’d never, never be deceived like she was that morning.


So when they were in bed and she felt that urge, primal and sharp, she knew, whatever it was and from wherever it came, she was obviously not strong enough to fight it.

But her heart was her own.

Her body might betray her but she vowed she’d never lose her heart.

She mentally threw away her scales as no more measuring was needed.

This was her “beautiful life”?

So be it.

She would be his queen, his “sweet little body” to use and dismiss.

And she would be his people’s queen because that was her destiny and not only had her parents wanted it for her, not only had her dreams been guiding her to it for twenty years but Gregor had kept her safe in order that she could live that destiny.

But Sonia would hold her heart safe.

She hid these reactions and her thoughts under a falsely bright smile as Regan tucked her arm through Sonia’s and led her to the door.

Chapter Twelve


Sonia and Regan walked through the doors of Clear.

The minute the bell jangled, Mabel, one of Sonia’s two shop assistants who was standing behind the counter with a tall, dark-haired, gorgeous, obviously Callum’s people woman, shouted, “Sonny!”

Kerry, Sonia’s other shop assistant, who was helping some customers, looked around and gave Sonia a big, happy smile.

Sonia adored Mabel and Kerry. They were good workers, never called in sick, came in even when they were hungover, hid it like pros and never complained. They were fantastic with customers and they were both exuberant, full of personality and made working there fun.

Their reactions to her return were balm to the soul, something Sonia needed desperately.

It was like coming home.

Sonia’s gaze moved to the tall woman behind the counter who studied Sonia curiously for a brief moment then bowed her head low in deference to her queen. She couldn’t exactly drop to a knee in a shop amongst humans but her message was clear.

And Sonia wondered if she’d ever get used to that the way Callum was. When they walked in the throne room and everyone sank to a knee, he’d not even glanced at them.

Then again, he’d had a lifetime of feeling entitled that people would be on their knees before him.

Including Sonia.

Sonia shrugged off these thoughts and walked toward the counter with Regan at her side, not knowing what to do about the tall woman so, when her head came up, Sonia inclined her own.

Then she greeted her shop assistants with, “Hey girls.”

“We were so worried,” Mabel exclaimed as she rushed around the counter toward Sonia. “Diana said everything was cool but you never take off from work.” As Mabel came toward her, Sonia had started to unwind her scarf from around her neck when Mabel suddenly skidded to a halt, her eyes wide on Sonia’s scarf and she screeched, “Ohmigod! Look at that ring!” She gasped then let out a strangled cry before she went on, “Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Did you get married?”