Until the Sun Falls from the Sky(203)

“I’m so glad I amuse you.”

His mouth touched mine before he murmured, “Always.”

I shivered in his arms. Those arms grew tighter. Even though this felt good, curiosity was killing me.

“Well, are you going to explain?”

He rolled to his back taking me with him so I was pressed mostly to his side but partially lying on top of him. He tucked my forehead in his neck and started to play with my hair before he began.

“During The Revolution, I was a general. A very…” he hesitated then went on, “successful general.” I shivered at his words but this time reading the meaning behind them it was in a different way. He stopped playing with my hair and wrapped his arm around me before continuing, “After The Revolution I was a hunter.” His voice dipped low. “And very successful at that as well.”

I’d quit breathing again.

I did not like this.

At all.

He hunted mortal and immortal mates!

Oh. My. God.

His arm gave me a squeeze and he whispered, “Not that kind of hunter, Leah. Never that. I’d burn before doing that.”

I started breathing again. In fact my breath came out in an audible gush of relief.

Then I asked, “What kind of hunter were you?”

“I hunted the remainder of our enemy, my kind and those who allied with them. Once warriors they’d become renegades. They had to be found and stopped before they planned another revolution. I was the one who stopped them.”

I got up on an elbow and looked at his face in the weak light. I could tell something was not right.

“How many of you were there? Hunters, that is.”

“Just me.”

What? This didn’t make sense.


“They only needed me. I was good at what I did.”

Was he serious?

“How many renegades were there?” I asked.


My mouth dropped open. He couldn’t be for real.

If he was, this gave a whole new meaning to the words “Mighty Vampire Lucien”!

“Were there… were there…” I stammered, “any other kind of hunters as good as you?”

“You mean the hunters of mates?”

I nodded.
