Until the Sun Falls from the Sky(199)

This felt really, really nice. So nice, I slid my legs wider to give him better access.

And so nice I wanted to give Lucien something really nice too.

I stopped licking and stroking and slid the tip of him between my lips. When I did, his hand moved, delving into my panties, filling me with his finger just as his h*ps bucked, filling my mouth with him.

It was divine. He tasted good there too.


I groaned and immediately got greedy.

He pulled my undies down to my thighs and he played with me while his h*ps jerked into my mouth as deep as he could go.

It was unbelievably hot. Too hot.

I lost my concentration and drew back, wrapping a fist around him, thumb absently circling the tip. I arched my back which pressed my chest into his belly and threw my head back, my hair flying over my shoulders and drifting across his abs.

All I could do was focus on what was happening between my legs.

And what was happening between my legs was the makings of an orgasm so cataclysmic, I wasn’t certain I would survive it.

Whimpers of pleasure sounding from low in my throat, I spread my legs further, ground my h*ps into his hand and regardless of my uncertain survival, I sought more.

His fingers stopped swirling and thrusting and disappeared. Before I could react to this sudden loss, he swept an arm behind my knees and I was on my back, my panties were gone, his h*ps were between my thighs and his weight was pinning me to the bed.

I felt the tip of him enter me.

“Yes,” I breathed, wrapping my arms around him.

I closed my eyes, so freaking ready, I would have begged him without hesitation.

His hands came down the backs of my thighs, he pulled them up at the knees and slid in a centimeter deeper.

I arched my neck.

“Look at me, sweetling.” His voice was a deep, aroused rumble that moved across my skin like a touch.

It took some effort but I looked at him.

I thought I knew what he wanted and immediately I whispered, “Please, Lucien.”

His eyes went dark, his face got close and he framed mine with his big hands.

“That’s beautiful, Leah, but I don’t want you to beg.”

My body moving on its own, desperate for release, desperate for him, I pressed my h*ps into his but he withheld.

“Leah,” he gritted between his teeth, clearly seeking control, “before the joining, you need to answer one question.”

I nodded, too far gone to do much else.

His lips came to mine, his eyes still open, in his rumbly voice that now seemed even more intense, he asked, “Are you mine?”

My body stilled.

This was it. I had to make a choice and once I did there was no going back.

The answer came to me, the only one there was.