The Golden Dynasty(70)

He kept talking and Diandra interpreted.

“You will not call the wife of Seerim after me.”

I blinked at this sudden change of subject as well as his words which I did not get.


Diandra translated, Lahn spoke and then she spoke again.

“You will not call Seerim’s woman ‘honey’. That is mine.”

Oh man.

“It’s an endearment,” I explained. “In my world we say it to –”

“It is mine. You will not use it with anyone but me.”

I studied him and decided this was not going very well.

So I decided to agree in order to try to soften him up for the hard part.

“Okay,” I whispered.

“Okay,” he bit off.

Then we started talking with Diandra translating.

“We need to talk about the Xacto,” I told him.

“I will not discuss the Xacto with my wife,” he told me.

“Um… this is important to me,” I explained.

“This matters not. I will not discuss it.”

Oh man. Now I was getting pissed.

“But Lahn, I’m telling you this important to me!” I snapped.

“It is not your place,” he replied.

“I’m your wife!” I shot back, my voice rising.

“And as my wife, it is not your place,” he returned.

“That’s crazy!” I cried.

“It is not,” he retorted.

“Doesn’t it matter to you that this is important to me?” I asked.

“No,” he fired back, saying it in my language.

Oh yeah. Now I was pissed.

“I beg to differ, big guy,” I retorted. “And I will tell you right here, right now, right in this cham,” I pointed to my feet then at him, “you will not let them touch you.” I jerked my finger at him again. “You will not let them bathe you.” Again with the finger. “You will not let them massage you, touch your gorgeous f**king hair, your fantastic f**king body or anything to do with you because that, baby,” I swept him top to toe with an up and down sweep of my hand then jerked a thumb at myself and leaned in, “is all mine.”

“Vayoo ansha,” he ordered, uncrossing his arms and planting his hands on his h*ps and I retorted before Diandra could translate because I knew what that meant.