The Golden Dynasty(66)

Then I pulled in an unsteady breath and decided I was here, this was happening, I wasn’t leaving, I needed to find a way to cope until that happened so I might as well know it all.

“Okay, Diandra, can I ask you to explain more?” I requested and she nodded as she inclined her head.

“Certainly, it would be my honor to explain anything to you because you are my queen,” her eyes warmed, “and it would be my pleasure because you are my friend and I want you to be content.”

Yep, it was official. I definitely liked Diandra.

“Thanks,” I whispered then lamely threw out a hand. “And thanks for… everything. You’ve been very kind and I don’t know what I would have done if –”

She waved her hand and interrupted, “Let’s not speak of it. Just know that, too, was my pleasure.”

I smiled at her, reached out and took her hand to give it a squeeze.

She squeezed mine back.

Then I let her go, leaned back and she prompted, “You wanted me to explain something?”

I nodded. “It’s the, um… last night, late… the celebration…” I trailed off, she lifted her chin encouragingly and I went on, “There were women there, um… dancing and, uh… such with the warriors and they were not –”

I stopped talking when Diandra’s face changed. Her face was expressive but the look she was giving me I could not read.

“Xacto,” she said the word like she’d prefer not to say it.

“Xacto?” I asked and she nodded.

“Xacto,” she repeated.

“Uh –” I began.

“Warrior slaves,” she stated and I blinked.

“Warrior slaves?” I repeated and she nodded. “What –?” I began and she sighed.

“Suh Tunak, or The Horde, as a collective, own slaves. These are not owned by one warrior and they have no duties to anyone but the warriors as a Horde. They are always young and attractive and when they lose these traits, they are sold onto families who can utilize their services in different ways.”

I didn’t want to ask because I already pretty much knew. But I asked.

“And what are their duties?”

She answered swiftly like she wanted to get it over with. “They bathe the warriors, wash their hair and plait it or arrange it as the warrior sees fit. They paint them for battle or ceremonies. They massage the warriors after battle, campaigns or strenuous training. They also are available at all times to receive the attentions of the warriors should that warrior feel the need.”

I stared at her.

She continued just as swiftly. “They also have duties to the young warriors. They erm… teach them things that will… erm… eventually, in future, benefit their wives greatly should the young warriors be good learners.”

Oh my God. Lahn was good in our bed because those women taught him how to be so.

“This is not a bad thing, is it my queen?” Diandra asked then clarified, “The, erm… last bit, I mean.”

I didn’t answer because my heart started racing as my mind pulled up memories of Lahn dosing with water but he didn’t wash his hair, yet it was never dirty or greasy and it had been arranged in various styles. And he had paint on yesterday, even his back which no way he could have done. And just now when he’d come in, he had no paint and his hair was no longer loose and flowing. It was pulled back in a tail that started at the base of his neck and his hair was contained at intervals down his back with slim, gold bands.

“Is Lahn –?” I started.

“Undoubtedly, my dear,” she answered swiftly.

I sat up straight and Ghost lifted her head but I didn’t notice.

One of those women was washing my husband’s hair?