The Golden Dynasty(191)

They returned with no sightings of Circe, dead or alive, not even a footprint should her magic have saved her so she could run away.

His wife was gone.

I gave up my world for you.

As this news processed through his system, Dax Lahn, the commander of Suh Tunak, the King of all Korwahk threw back his head and roared.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I heard my name being called and, weirdly, it sounded like me who was calling it.

My eyes fluttered open and I looked into a mirror.

“You are fine, my sweet twin,” my reflection which appeared to be leaning over me in a bed said to me and I felt my hand squeezed tightly. “Do not be alarmed at the fatigue. The magic takes it all out of you. It will be a few days. We will care for you. Rest, my sweet.”

My eyelids drifted closed because I was right with what I told me, I was fatigued, so freaking tired, it was unbelievable. I’d never felt that f**king tired in all my life.

But I forced them back open and saw me still leaned into me.

I smiled at myself but it wasn’t me smiling.

Then I whispered (but it wasn’t my whispering), “You are safe, sweet Circe, you are home.”

Then my eyes drifted back to closed.

And those actually were mine.

* * * * *

“She will be like this for a day, Harold, maybe two.”

I tried to force my eyes open as words in my voice but not said by my lips were whispered close.


My Pop.

“She’s okay?”

Oh God. Yes. My Pop!

I tried to open my eyes and turn toward his voice, a voice I never thought I’d hear again, but I just could not fight off the sleep.

“She is…” a hesitation, “fine.”

“Circe, darlin’, if you haven’t got that you can’t hold back with me…” Pop’s warning trailed off and I heard a sigh.

“I’m sorry, my beloved father, they are weak but my senses tell me she’s with child.”

I heard my father suck in a hard, rough breath.

Then I was out.

* * * * *

“Are you with me, my love?”