The Gamble(179)

“Nina!” Max shouted but I didn’t pause and went over the side, running hell bent for my darling girl floating face down, her body caught in some reeds and butting against some rocks, her long hair a darkened, strawberry blonde web drifting eerily all around her.

I lost my footing and fell to a knee, sliding down the incline on my lower side to the bottom. I felt the rocks and gravel scoring at my thigh, hip and calf but the pain didn’t register. The minute my feet touched earth I ran again, straight to Mindy, straight into the water and I heard Max shout my name again.

I ignored it and slid along the slippery stones under my feet, the snow melt water rushing all around me and the river floor fell away faster than I expected. The water was shocking in its bitter chill but I kept going. I was up to my br**sts when I got to her.

Flipping her around, I slipped my arms under her armpits and started backwards, pulling her along with me which was difficult to do fighting against the mighty tug of the rushing river. I hit something and knew it was Max when I felt his arms hook under mine, anchoring me to him as I was anchoring Mindy to me.

We were waist high when Brody was there, he lifted her up in his arms and troughed through the water with long, determined strides. Max’s arm went along my back, hand under my armpit, holding me close as he turned us and part walked, part dragged me back to the bank.

Brody had Mindy on her back and he was on his knees at her side, bent over her, ear to her mouth when Max hauled me out of the river and we made it to them.

Then his torso shot up to straight, his eyes going to Max. “She ain’t breathin’.”

Without hesitation I dropped to my knees and thanked all that was holy I volunteered to go to that First Aid class, even though at the time I could have done without it because my caseload was heavy. Now, if this ended better than it looked like it would, I was personally going to hunt down my instructor and give him a huge, bleeding, kiss.

Positioning my hands like I was taught, I put them to Mindy’s chest and counted out loud with each compression.

Then I moved to her mouth, opened it, stuck my finger inside to make sure nothing was there, tilted her head back, pinched her nose, put my mouth to hers and exhaled my breath into her body.

Back to the chest compressions, counting down.

Then I moved to Mindy’s mouth, pinched her nose and exhaled.

Back to the compressions.

Back to Mindy’s mouth.

Then back.

Then back.

And again.

And again.

“Goddammit, Mindy,” I shouted when she lay there lifeless, no longer counting out loud with my compressions but doing them all the same. “Don’t let him beat you!”

Then I went to Mindy’s mouth.

Back to the compressions.

And back.

And again.

“Nina,” Max whispered, dropping down beside me in a squat, I felt his hand at my back.

I looked up to see Brody standing; his hands were both on the top of his head. He was staring down at Mindy and me, his expression ravaged.

I ignored Max and Brody and bent to Mindy’s mouth.

Then back to the compressions.

“Baby,” Max was still whispering.

“When’s Jeff getting here?” I snapped then went to Mindy’s mouth.

Then back to the compressions.