Sommersgate House(154)

“Thank you, Uncle Douglas,” he started, his young voice sounding solemn, “for asking me to be your best man. But I’ve thought about it and decided, since Dad isn’t here to do it, that I should give Auntie Jewel away instead.”

Julia’s hand flew to her mouth, her eyes quickly filling with tears slid to Douglas who inclined his head soberly at his nephew, his face communicating he felt this decision wise.

“That is,” Willie continued, his eyes on his aunt, “if you want me to, Auntie Jewel.”

She didn’t trust herself to say more than, “Please.”

Taking his cue from his uncle, he inclined his head (somewhat arrogantly, Julia noted with a hint of amused dismay).

Lizzie let out a snort, betraying her attempt to hold back her tears. At the noise, Julia let her emotions go and burst into uncontrollable sobs. Lizzie followed suit and Ruby, never one to be outdone, wailed louder than the two other females even though the four year old wasn’t exactly certain why she was crying. Douglas and the newly-anointed Will (who had, that evening at the dinner table, forever lost the youthful “Willie”) found themselves thrust into comforting the howling women. Douglas pulled Julia into his arms and then steeled himself when Lizzie threw her entire body weight against them and he included the young girl in his comforting embrace. Will, for his part, patted Ruby’s back awkwardly.

Mrs. Kilpatrick walked into this scene carrying pudding and after hearing the story haltingly told by Julia, she joined the caterwaul. So overcome was she, Douglas had to phone Roddy Kilpatrick to come see to his wife.

* * * * *

Douglas and Julia’s first row came less than twenty-four hours after Julia agreed to the marriage.

Indeed, the morning after.

“I’ll ask Veronika to move your things up here today,” Douglas murmured against Julia’s lips, the water from the shower falling on them, his soapy hands on her body.

She smiled but shook her head, moving her mouth from his, she paused from running her lips across his jawbone to reply, “I don’t think so.”

Douglas’s slippery hands slid over her behind, pulling her wet body closer to his. “I do.”

She laughed (probably too aroused to realise the seriousness of Douglas’s intent). “I’m not moving up here. The children don’t even know we’re getting married.”

“We’ll tell them today.”

She nodded her agreement but said, “We have young, impressionable children in the house, we can’t carry on like this.” She brushed her lips against his. “I’ll move up after the wedding.”

His hands slid up to tighten around her waist.

“You’ll move up today,” he ordered, his voice brooking no protest.

Her head jerked back, (probably at his arrogant tone which she immediately changed her mind about and most definitely did not adore).

“I will not!” she snapped stubbornly.

He pressed her against the wall of the shower.

“Yes,” was all he said, his fingers finding spots that would (with any normal female) get her to go along with his plan.

Not Julia.

Still, she gasped (she couldn’t help herself).

Then she stated firmly, “No!”

“Yes,” he growled, his mouth finding the area behind her ear that he knew would get her to acquiesce.

Unfortunately, Douglas again misjudged his bride-to-be.

“We cannot carry on an illicit affair under the noses of the children,” Julia retorted (but her reply lost some of its strength due to its breathy quality).

Douglas, not one to fight fair, lifted her effortlessly, spread her legs, pressed her against the wall and entered her in one fluid movement, his hands on her backside holding her aloft.

Her legs immediately wrapped around him.