Sommersgate House(153)

Much sooner than she had expected that night she had taken him to Sommersgate in an effort to get him to sweep away the unwanted rubbish that infested her home, Sean Webster had appeared at the door to her room at the Bath Spa Hotel. He had been in an absolute rage and had said some remarkably unpleasant things to her. Indeed, she thought for a moment he might actually strike her. However, the management of the hotel heard the yelling and intervened, ejecting Mr. Webster with great force.

Monique went back to London the next day, already trying to decide her next course of action.

She would soon be finalising details on her new, and, she had to admit (if only to herself), wonderfully expensive and elaborate flat.

Upon arrival in London, Monique saw the splashy headlines about her son and was forced to endure phone call after phone call. Of course, Monique told all of her friends and acquaintances (and some people she was not so friendly with) exactly how she felt about the scheming little American her gullible son had asked to marry him.

Unfortunately, these conversations reached the ears of both Oliver and Charlotte Forsythe, (upon hearing the happy news, the former, extremely pleased for his friend, the latter, hysterically giddy with delight for both Julia and Douglas) which meant they very swiftly reached the ears of Douglas. Per usual, Douglas even-more-swiftly went into action.

Monique’s phone rang again only days after the official announcement. It was Douglas’s PA, Samantha, a girl Monique had very little time for but had to suffer because she was making arrangements for the new flat.

Upon Monique’s curt greeting, the distasteful Samantha said, “I’m calling to inform you that Lord Ashton has reneged on the contract for the flat. He also wishes you to know that your monthly allowance will cease effective immediately.”

At this news, Monique was stunned speechless.

Samantha continued. “He will reinstate you, at a quarter of your allowance and will purchase and furnish a flat for you, again, at a quarter of your budget, if you publicly and liberally declare your mistaken impressions of his fiancée and officially announce your approval of the match.”

“A quarter?” Monique’s voice shook with angry disbelief and just a hint of fear.

“He’s instructed me to tell you that you can take it or leave it,” Samantha returned.

The tone of the girl’s voice left Monique in no doubt she was enjoying this tremendously and Monique shook with humiliated ire.

She had long since gone through the trust funds her parents and her husband had left her. The generous allowance her son gave her monthly (and often augmented at her request) was her only source of income.

Furthermore, she’d never worked a day in her life. She certainly couldn’t (and wouldn’t) start now.

Monique was not a stupid woman (just an evil one), she knew when her son said something, he meant it.

Therefore, she had no choice.

“I’ll take it,” Monique snapped.

Later, Monique had to get herself a rather unladylike portion of sherry (and brought the bottle with her) as she sat by the phone and started to make her calls.

* * * * *

At Sommersgate, the news of the impending nuptials met with mixed reviews. Lizzie was beside herself with delight. Ruby, taking the lead from her sister, was equally thrilled. Nick, Ronnie, Carter and the Kilpatricks were all obviously awash with joy.

Willie didn’t quite know what to make of it all.

Formally, in the library, Douglas and Julia sat with the children and announced it the day after they’d agreed to marry. While Lizzie and Ruby danced jubilantly around their aunt and uncle, Willie stepped back, once, twice then fled the room without a word.

Julia was horrified and immediately moved to go to him.

Douglas caught her arm and murmured under his breath, “Let me.”

She did but not without pacing at the bottom of the stairs, holding her new kitten Fred (who was not very happy at being held and stroked when he wanted to play and, if possible, scratch the wonderful carpet runner on the stairs which was the perfect height for his little claws).

When Douglas descended the stairs, Julia turned fretful eyes to him. He encompassed her waist with his arms and looked into her eyes.

“Give him time,” he said quietly.

These were not the words Julia wanted to hear but she nodded anyway.

Two days later at dinner, the mood had not changed. Lizzie and Ruby and the rest of the household were still ecstatic. Willie was unusually quiet and still undecided.

After the main course was whisked away and the pudding about to arrive, Willie cleared his throat and announced he had something to say.