Rock Chick Revenge(86)

He did as I asked. I couldn’t help it, even though my eyes were mostly closed I felt myself smile.

“Fuck,” he muttered against my mouth and his finger slid inside me.

My h*ps moved pressing against his hand and his finger slid out then in then again and again. My hand stayed wrapped around his wrist as his finger worked me, my other hand still at his head. I pressed up, not just my hips, my whole body, seeking contact with his and he didn’t disappoint me, pressing his body into me.

His finger slid out of me while he kissed me, his tongue sliding in my mouth as his finger did another roll, right on target, followed by another one then another one. I stopped kissing him, ready, close, my mouth against his panting. I opened my eyes to see him watching me and I knew he liked what he saw and I found that I liked that he liked what he saw.

“Show me,” he muttered, his voice a deep rumble and at the sound, I felt it coming, my tongue wet my lips and it was then the f**king door buzzer went.

His finger stopped rolling, his head jerked up and my body stilled. Then the door buzzer went again this time for longer. This was difficult to ignore. It became worse when Luke’s phone rang. Both of these were impossible to ignore. But then my purse started ringing.

“You have got to be f**kin’ kidding me,” Luke snarled.

The buzzer silenced then started again immediately.

Luke’s hand moved away, his arms wrapped around me and he rolled, taking me with him and knifing to a sitting position on the side of the bed, me in his lap. He snatched the phone out of its cradle and growled into it, “This better be f**kin’ good.”

I was still out of it, trying to wrap my thoughts around this terrible turn of events when Luke said, “Ma?”

Oh… my… God.

I was sitting, nearly na**d (Luke was naked) in Luke’s lap, post-nearly-having-a-Lucas-Stark-induced-orgasm (something I’d wanted since I was sixteen and learned what they were) and Mrs. Stark was on the phone.

This was not happening.

I tried to tug away but Luke’s arm went tight and his eyes sliced to me.

“I’ll buzz you in,” he said, looking at me.


My mouth dropped open and my eyes bugged out, totally affecting a Sissy Gawk. He put the phone down.

“My mother’s here,” he told me, totally calm (though his eyes were still ink).

I didn’t have time for inky eyes. I flew into a tizzy.

“Holy crap. Oh my God. Holy crap,” I chanted as I pulled out of his lap and threw myself on the bed, crawling over it to the other side where Luke tossed the Triumph tee last night. I nabbed it from the floor and whipped my legs around into a sitting position, my back to Luke, and tugged it on. Then I snatched my glasses off the nightstand and slid them on my nose.

I jumped up, ready to sprint to the bathroom and ran headlong into Luke whose arms closed around me.

“Ava, calm down.”

I tilted my head to look up at him. “Mrs. Stark is here!” I shouted.

He grinned. What there was to grin about, I did not know but I didn’t have time to ask.

“Let me go. I need to get dressed. You need to get dressed.”

I looked down and saw he was wearing his cargos.

Thank God for that.

I gave another tug but his arms went tighter.

“Babe, seriously, calm down. Ma likes you. She’s always liked you.”

I stared at him again in a gawk.