Rock Chick Revenge(85)

Not good.

I felt his mouth against mine.


“Babe,” he said against my lips and I couldn’t pull it off anymore. Slowly, I opened my eyes.

As his lips were against mine, I was close enough to see, even without my contacts, his eyes were ink.

“Hey,” I whispered and luckily my voice sounded sleepy.

“Hey,” he said against my mouth and something about that soft word, said by Luke, in his bed, in the morning, against my mouth made me melt.

When my body pressed deeper into him, his eyes went molten and that was it. No more stall tactics. I was going to be screwed, literally.

He kissed me. Maybe I should have pushed it, torn away and stood firm to my vows. But he was a seriously good kisser.

Added to that, our mostly na**d bodies were pressed up against each other. His chest hair felt sexy-rough against my br**sts and his hand at my underwear was keeping up the lovely torture.

And this was Lucas Stark and he had always, in my heart, been my special guy.

I gave up the ghost and kissed him back. When I did, he groaned into my mouth, rolling me to my back, him on top of me. The groan sounded and felt good, so good I wrapped my arms around him and started to explore with my hands, wanting to make him do it again.

This was when I discovered he was naked, mainly because my fingers drifted over his tight ass.

Holy cramoly.


His head came up and I focused on him, barely. I was half in a Luke Lip Fog and half in a Luke Tight Ass Fog. I knew my eyes were hooded and I was already breathing heavily.

“Christ,” he muttered. “You look like that after I kiss you, what are you gonna look like when I make you come?”

My hands slid up his back and I answered him even though his question wasn’t one you answered. “I don’t know,” I whispered.

“Let’s find out,” he murmured against my mouth.

I found myself thinking that was a great idea.

Then Luke got down to “giving me the business”.

I discovered in short order that Luke’s lips were not just good at kissing. They were good at a lot of things. They were good at my neck, behind my ear, trailing down my chest and they were especially good at my br**sts.

In what seemed like five minutes (but was longer, time flies when you’re getting so turned on you feel like you’re going to explode) he had me wild. I gave Bad Ava what she wanted and I tasted more of Luke, my tongue and mouth moving to any piece of skin that came near it, my hands drifting, my nails dragging. I wanted all of him, every rock-solid inch I could get (and every one I encountered was just that) and for some reason I wasn’t scared that he knew it.

He released my nipple after a delicious tug and a finishing swirl of the tongue and came back over me, kissing me again, hard, wild, his tongue teasing me and making me follow it which I did, gladly. Then his h*ps slid to my side, his mouth still kissing me and his hand went into my panties. I gasped against his tongue as with no fooling around, no fumbling, no exploration, no hesitation, his finger hit the target.

“Holy crap,” I whispered against his mouth, my eyes flying open.

He was watching me, his gaze so hot I felt the heat of it through my body.

“You’re dripping wet,” he told me, his voice sexy-hoarse. Before I could react to this statement, his mouth came to mine again; my eyes stayed open and so did his. “I can’t f**kin’ wait to get a taste of you,” he said against my mouth in a fierce way that I knew he really meant it and his finger did an unbelievable roll that was so good, my neck arched and I sucked in breath.

My arms were around him, the fingers of one hand at the back of his head but at the roll my other hand went to his wrist, holding it steady, telling him I wanted more.

“Ava,” he muttered and my chin dipped to look at him.

“Do that again,” I murmured.