Rock Chick Rescue(203)

(In my defence, Eddie was being kind of bossy.)

“Door number three is I do what I want and get Daisy to help me avoid you while I’m doing it. And door number four is turn tail and run, escaping it al by talking Mace into helping me and Mom disappear in Mexico like he said last night.”

Eddie’s eyes were no longer a little glittery, they were ful -on glittery.

“I’m sorry?”

Um… maybe it was time to put away the attitude and keep my mouth shut.

“I’d like to hear that part again about Mace helping you disappear.”

I didn’t actual y think he’d like to hear it again so I decided not to say it again.

“Tel me about Mace,” he persisted.

“No,” I said.

“I think I missed something, maybe we should go back over that kiss you shared,” he suggested and I could feel the negative vibes rol ing off him in waves, pounding against me.


“For f**k’s sake, Jet!” he exploded and I’d never heard him talk so loudly. I mean, I’d heard him yel but this was a roar. “You were shot last night.”

“Believe me, I know!” I yel ed back (but mine wasn’t as good).

“You are not puttin’ yourself out there and you are not goin’ anywhere near Mace again,” he shouted.

“You can’t tel me what to do!”

His eyes narrowed.

“You better f**king believe I can.”

I felt my temple throb and I chose to drop back to the pil ows instead of having another staring contest, I never won those anyway.

I closed my eyes and put my hand to my head.

He was right, of course and that total y pissed me off. I had no business putting myself out there; I didn’t know what I was doing. He tried to tel me with the pepper spray incident, but did I listen? No. So I ended up on the floor of a dirty, smoky room, shielding my sister from bul ets, my friends in the line of fire, Shirleen, who I barely even knew, lying unconscious out in the hal and final y with a gun to my head. A gun that went off in front of Mace, making him relive a nightmare.

Damn, shit, f**k, hel and back again.

“Al right,” I snapped, opening my eyes, “I’l be cool but you have to promise me you won’t tel Mace I told you al this.”

He dropped to his side and rol ed over me, pinning me to the bed.

“No f**kin’ way, Mace and I are gonna have a talk.”

“No! You have to promise.”

“You just chose door number one, which means you chose me, which means you stayin’ in my life and my bed. I know you aren’t gonna like it, Chiquita, because you look like you’re preparin’ to bolt any time anything looks or sounds serious about us, but that also means you are now official y my woman and as such, Mace and I are gonna have words.”

I didn’t have time to freak out about being Eddie’s woman. That was worse than his girlfriend. Far worse. A thousand times worse. The w-word was to the g-word what the f-word was to the c-word. I couldn’t even say the c-word in my head!

I had to let the w-word go and tackle one thing at a time.

“He said if I told you, we were going to disappear in Mexico! You can’t tel him. It’l break it, whatever it was, for him. He wasn’t there, he’d slid into another moment, I saw it, I felt it. It just happened that I was there when he did, it could have been anyone. But it was me and that connects us but not in a bad way. You can’t understand it, you weren’t there. But I told you what happened. I didn’t lie and I didn’t hide. Don’t make me sorry I didn’t.”

He did a jaw clench and stared at me.