Rock Chick Rescue(202)

“We’re not talking about this, Chiquita,” he said to me.

“Yes we are,” I shot back.

His eyes started to get a little glittery.

“Okay then, we are,” he said.


I didn’t think I had control of the Jet Chat anymore.

“Time for our chat,” he announced.

I was right, I didn’t have control of the Jet Chat anymore.

The Jet Chat had just taken a scary turn down the road leading straight to the Eddie Chat.


“I think I need coffee before our chat,” I said hoping to buy time.

“After. We’re gonna get a few things straight, you and me.”

Damn, shit, f**k and hel .

I wasn’t doing very well with things crooked between Eddie and me. I real y didn’t want things straight. I didn’t know for certain how I wanted things. What I did know was how I didn’t want them and that was Relationship Overdrive while the rest of my life was chaos.


“I know the meaning of that ‘Eddie’,” he said, “and you can save it. You’re not getting out of this.” Exactly how did he have me so figured out?

I gave up and glared at him.

He ignored The Glare.

“See, even with bul ets flyin’, I’ve had the chance to get to know you. Cal me crazy but I’d like to do it better.” My glare deepened.

He continued to ignore it.

“That said, bul ets are flyin’, one nearly blew your pretty face off last night, so, I gotta tel you, I’d like it a f**k of a lot more if you saw your next birthday. The way I see it, that gives you two choices. First choice, you cool it with this ‘get control of my life’ business and let me keep you safe, which means you do what I say and you don’t go out on the town with your gang in high heels. Second choice, you go your own way. You do that, I have Lee pick you up and put you in his safe room until I sort this shit out. If that means we’re over, I’m wil in’ to take that chance, knowin’ after it’s done you’l be somewhere alive and breathing even if you’re doin’ it in someone else’s bed.”

I gasped through The Glare and said, “Eddie…”

“No ‘Eddie’. You choose, right now, door number one or door number two, no discussion.”

Real y.

I did not think so. He was not going to lie there and give me an ultimatum.

I pushed him off, sat up, taking the sheet with me, and turned to him but he sat up too so I lost my leverage.

So be it, I was used to no leverage.

“There’s always room for discussion,” I told him.

“Not this time,” he returned.

I narrowed my eyes at him and then said something immensely stupid. Do not ask me why, I just did. Maybe it immensely stupid. Do not ask me why, I just did. Maybe it was my newfound attitude; I didn’t have it under control just yet, it leaked out wil y-nil y at the worst possible times.