Rock Chick Renegade(169)

I pulled my lips in and bit them to stay quiet. He was right and that was so annoying.

“You’re mine,” he repeated like I didn’t get it the first time.

I let my lips go and said, “Okay.”

He stared at me.

“Can I say something now?” I asked when he seemed to be finished.

“Just don’t piss me off,” he warned.

Like I’d do that especially at this juncture.

I waited a beat then took in a breath and then did something that made my Rottweiler go berserk. I ignored my Rottie, it took all I had but I did it.

“I know it counts,” I whispered.

Vance didn’t move, didn’t speak, didn’t do anything.

Then drool flying everywhere in white globs, jumping up and down, tearing free from his chains, my Rottweiler came at me and I ran like a mad woman, taking my life in my hands. I passed him, threw open the door to the chain-link-fenced box and ran inside. I slammed the door closed behind me and locked it, keeping my Rottweiler at bay.

Then I ran my hands up Vance’s back, stopping when I felt his scar and to make my point, I left my fingers there.

“You’re right, you scare the hell out of me,” I said it so low I wasn’t sure if he heard it.

I didn’t have to wonder long. He heard it and he understood it.

He rolled to his side and took me with him, arms going around me tight. He didn’t need to say anything because that was enough.

I put my face in his throat again. “I need a boyfriend with a safe job. Like checkout guy at King Sooper’s,” I told Vance’s throat.

He stayed silent.

“The worst thing that could happen is he’d fall off his rolling stool behind the cash register. Maybe hit his head or something. Sprain a wrist.”

Vance still didn’t speak.

“They have good benefits there, I heard. Great insurance.”

More silence.

“That could be a rumor though,” I muttered to myself since Vance was obviously not listening.



He pulled my hair with a gentle tug and I looked up at him. His eyes were soft and sexy when I looked into them and when he spoke his deep voice was silk. “Shut up.”

Looking at him, the fear moved out of me and I melted into him because, one look at him, I just knew and the clouds over my life parted and I felt the warmth of sunshine.

“Don’t tell me to shut up,” I whispered.

That’s when he gave me one of his grins and I knew I was right. Everything was going to be fine. Then he kissed me, slow, sweet, long, like we had all day and I knew everything was really fine.

When he was done, there were no clouds in the sky. None at all. Just sunshine.

“I’m sorry about last night,” I said quietly, because I had to.