Rock Chick Regret(213)

“Jack’s sending the tapes by courier to the Station. We got them on the cameras, Jack saw ‘em break in and called it in. Said he saw Donny with the gasoline either Marty or Ricky with him, he didn’t get a good look at the second guy but he knew it was a Balducci. They made fast work of it. The place was ablaze and they were gone before anyone got here.”

“I hope its Ricky,” Detective Marker replied, fishing his phone out of his suit jacket.

“Yeah,” Hector said. “I’m thinkin’ arson is probably a violation of his bond.”

I was no longer listening. A thin film of red had descended over my eyes and there was a buzzing in my ears.

My sagging body went tight and I put my hand on Hector’s stomach, pulled slightly away and looked up at him.

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

Hector’s chin dipped and his eyes came to mine.

“Parceling out the bad news, mamita,” he said softly. “You can only take so much at once.”

I blinked at him and then took in both Hector and Detective Marker.

“Let me get this straight,” I said, my voice trembling, something strange happening to me.

It was not my weird, warm, happy glow (not even f**king close).

It was not that hot, hard, painful knot in my chest.

It was something else altogether.

When I had both their attention, I kept talking. “First, for weeks, all the f**king Balduccis call me, stop by the gallery only when I’m alone, show up at my apartment day and night, doing crazy shit, saying crazy things and freaking me out. Then Ricky f**king Balducci breaks in, beats me up and rapes me. Then Harvey f**king Balducci assaults me and tries to kidnap me. Then Marty f**king Balducci threatens me over the phone and calls me the c-word, twice. Now, Donny f**king Balducci has burned down my gallery?”

I was shouting, people were looking at me and I didn’t care.

“You have got to be shitting me!” I yelled.

Hector got in my line of sight.

“Mamita, calm down,” he muttered.

I looked up at him and grabbed onto his tee, fisting it in my fingers and giving him a shake (well, trying to, but he didn’t move, just his tee did).

“You be calm! I’m pissed right, the f**k, off!” I screamed.

“This is gonna end, soon, Sadie, trust me.”

“Yeah, it’s going to end soon. I’m gonna hunt those motherfuckers down and –”

Hector’s hand came over my mouth and I finished my shouted threat so it sounded like, “Kff thff.”

Hector shuffled me back, arm still tight around my neck, hand over my mouth until we were away from Detective Marker and everyone.

Then his head came close. “Mamita, he knows you’re emotional and don’t mean it. Still, not good to threaten homicide in front of a cop.”

I just glared at him over his hand on my mouth.

“You in control?” he asked.

“No!” I said under his hand but it came out, “Nff!”

His body started to shake and I knew he was laughing.

My head prepared to explode.