Rock Chick Regret(125)

Of course. They bugged my phone.

“Your father’s slime,” he continued, his voice vibrating with anger.

I couldn’t refute him, he spoke fact.

“You okay?” he asked.

“No,” I answered.

His arms got tighter and my hand slid up his chest to his shoulder. My other hand joined it on the opposite side and I tilted my head back further. He watched me a second, that second turned to two then to three.

Then his face lost some of its rage (though, not all) and he promised, “You will be.”

My stomach pitched.

His arms got tighter and I watched, fascinated, as the rage disappeared from Mr. Mood Swing’s face, warmth replaced it and his head dipped closer.

“Agent Chavez, oo Agent Chavez?” he teased, grinning.

I closed my eyes.

Please, somebody, kill me.

He gave me a gentle shake.

I opened my eyes.

His mouth went to my ear and he murmured, “I’ll look forward to hearing that.”

Before I could retort, his head came around, he touched my lips with his, let me go then he was gone.

I stared at the door.

Shirleen appeared at my side. “I tell you, six weeks ago, you asked me to take my pick, I woulda picked Luke. Now I’m thinkin’ I’d like me a little piece of that boy.”

“Shirleen!” Ava exclaimed on a giggle.

Shirleen looked at Ava. “Your boy’s still hot,” she assured her.

I looked at Ralphie.

He was smiling at me. I smiled back.

Then I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing.

* * * * *

“So, have you gotten a mi amor yet?” Indy asked, her hip up against her father’s kitchen counter, a cup of coffee halfway to her mouth, a dishtowel slung over her shoulder, a grin playing at her lips.

“No,” I replied and put the last dried glass away. “But I’ve had a mi corazón.”

“Oo, a mi corazón,” Indy smiled.

“What’s this?” Ally asked, putting her palms on the counter on either side of her and pulling herself up to sit by Indy.

“Spanish endearments, Sadie’s graduated from mamita to mi corazón,” Indy told Ally.

“What’s that mean?” Roxie asked, coming to the group after putting some leftovers away and closing the fridge with her foot.