Rock Chick Regret(124)

Obviously word got round, even in prison.

New Ice Princess replied for me, “I can’t imagine why that would be any of your business.”

“You’re joking.”

“May I ask, father, why you’re phoning when you hear I’m f**king Hector and you didn’t phone when I’m sure you probably heard that Ricky Balducci beat me senseless, broke multiple bones and raped me?”

My father displayed a one track mind and his response made my heart squeeze painfully.

“Hector? You call him Hector?”

“Well, I can hardly call out, ‘Agent Chavez, oo Agent Chavez,’ when he makes me cl**ax, now can I?” I snapped, New Ice Princess gone, Attitude Sadie in her place and I heard Roxie let out a surprised giggle.

“Sadie, you little –”

I broke in before he could finish. “We’re done,” I snapped. “And I mean that. We’re done. Don’t call back, don’t write and don’t come looking for me on that sorry day when they let you out.”

With that, I took the phone from my ear (even while he was still talking), I pressed the off button and slammed the phone down on the counter.

My gaze swung around my audience. Uncertain faces watched me, Daisy was back amongst the crowd and all their eyes were on me.

I wanted one of my Ice Princesses, new or old, to come to me.

Instead, Shirleen’s hand touched the small of my back. At her touch, I lifted my hands, put them over my face and burst into tears.

Shirleen turned me into her arms and pulled me into her body. “Get it out, child, get it out.”

I pressed my face into her shoulder and cried, hard, fierce, body-wracking sobs.

I wanted a “Dad”, someone like Tom. Hell, someone like Tex would be fine by me. Both of them cared more that I was raped than my own f**king father did.

And I wanted my Mom back.

“I want my Mom back,” I said into Shirleen’s shoulder and realized that, somewhere between her pulling me in her arms and that moment, we were joined by the others in a group hug.

“Sh, child,” Shirleen said and someone’s hand stroked my hair.

“I really hate him,” I whispered.

“Sh,” Shirleen responded.

The air changed and the change was so strong, my head come up.

The door had opened and Hector was there. He looked about ten times more angry than he did that morning when I’d been stupid and let Ren hold me a shade too long – not that I could have even thought that was possible but there it was, written all over him.

Alaskan Hottie was with him.

Hector stalked toward me and the girls and Ralphie disbursed. I stared and wiped my eyes as he crossed the room in long, angry strides.

“What did I do now?” I cried when he was close.

I put my hand up, he walked right into it and his arms went around me.

“I heard the call,” he said, looking down at me, face still full of rage.

I blinked (yes, again!). “You did?”

“We bugged your phone.”