Rock Chick Redemption(195)

“I’m cal in’ Hank, give me your phone, woman,” Uncle Tex said, holding out his big hand toward Indy.

Indy knew the dril with Tex and cel phones (as in, he had no clue). She took out her phone, flipped it opened, scrol ed to Hank’s number and pressed the button before handing it to Uncle Tex.

I turned to Jet as Uncle Tex stormed away, taking his sandwich with him. “Hank and I had a talk last night.” Jet’s upset melted immediately and she smiled at me.

“That’s good. Did you get everything straightened out?”

“Not exactly,” I said. “Anyway, I just wanted to tel you that I mentioned something about me being gray and Hank got a little… angry.”

Jet blinked at me. “Pardon?” she asked.

“He said something about you two having a conversation and how whatever you two talked about in no way, or, I should say his exact words were…” I did a fake, deep voice, “‘Roxie, hear this right f**king now, in no way does it transfer to you’.”

Jet’s mouth spread in a huge smile. “See! I told you he wouldn’t think you were gray. Now you don’t have anything to worry about.”


I wished.

“What’s this about gray?” Indy asked, looking between the two of us.

Before anyone could answer, Uncle Tex was back. “He wants to talk to you.”

I closed my eyes for a second, wondering what Hank’s mood would be after lunch with Beth. Then I took the phone.

“Hey,” I said.

“You okay?” he asked, no anger in his tone, only concern.

I felt a little of my tension ebb away.

“Freaked out a little bit, but okay,” I answered.

“I know it doesn’t seem like it but this is good, Roxie. I’l cal Lee and he’l tel Vance. We already know Flynn’s been fol owin’ you, but whatever he’s doin’, he’s been careful.

He’s givin’ Vance some trouble and Vance is a top-notch tracker. Now Flynn is getting desperate, angry and stupid and that’s good. That means he’l make a mistake.” I nodded. That made sense and even though Bil y getting more desperate, angry and stupid was pretty f**king scary, getting him didn’t sound good, it sounded great.

“Okay,” I said into the phone.

“Okay,” I said into the phone.

“He has no idea the kind of protection you have. You’re gonna be fine,” Hank assured me.

“Okay,” I repeated, believing him.

“Make sure you have someone with you when you go to Tod’s,” he went on.

“Whisky,” I said quietly. “You told me that already.”

“I know. I wanna make certain you got it.” Hank was such a good guy.

“I got it,” I told him.

“I’l be at Tod’s at nine to pick you up.”

“Okay,” I said, again.

“Later, Sunshine.”