Rock Chick Redemption(193)

“She and I went out twice. She was the friend of the girlfriend of a buddy of mine in the Force. If I remember, she was painful y shy, but sweet, and on her way to some job in New Mexico.”


Shit, shit, shit.

“I thought she was an ex-girlfriend,” I told him.

“She never made it that far and wouldn’t have. I was doin’ a friend a favor and even if it makes me sound like a bastard, I’l tel you I only did it knowin’ she was soon gonna move to another state.”

Oh shit. I thought.

“Damn,” I muttered aloud, feeling like a total bitch. It must have taken al she had to walk into Fortnum’s. I looked at Hank. “I’l go talk to her,” I told him.

“No, you’ve done enough. I’l take her out to lunch and I’l pick you up from Tod’s when you’re done tonight. When we get home, we’re gonna have a conversation and put this shit to rest, once and for al .”

I didn’t like the sound of that.

“Hank –” I started.

“I don’t want you goin’ to Tod’s with anyone but Tex, Duke, Lee or one of his boys. Got me?”

His eyes were glittering angry and I had the feeling he was barely keeping his temper in check.

I nodded.

The sleeping tiger had awoken and I was not about to prod him with a stick.

He stared at me angrily.

I bit my lip.

Then, I couldn’t help myself, I hated that he was angry with me. I put my hand on his chest and leaned into him.

“I’m so sorry,” I said.

“You can apologize later, after we’ve talked, when you’re na**d and in my bed.”

Holy cow.

“Hank –”

He put a hand to my neck and tipped his head down to get in my face. “Roxanne, now’s a good time to be quiet.” Shit.

He was stil angry.

And I felt like a total bitch.

I braced, getting ready for him to explode.

Then, to my complete surprise, his anger cleared, he gave me a light kiss and squeezed my neck affectionately.

“We’l talk later,” he said quietly.

Then he was gone.

I stood there, it could have been minutes, it could have been hours. I just stood there, looking at the space where Hank had been, not quite able to process how easy it was to fight with him. Even when he was that angry, he could shift it and kiss me good-bye.

My phone rang.