Rock Chick Reckoning(27)

“You remember I told you after al of this was over, we gotta talk?” he asked.

I nodded, for some reason (okay, it was that look in his I nodded, for some reason (okay, it was that look in his eyes, he’d never looked at me like that, not even when we were together), I was afraid to speak.

“We’re not gonna wait ‘til this is over. We’re gonna talk now.”

Okay, not good. Al of a sudden, I didn’t want to get this over with.

I found my voice. “I’m not sure I want to talk.”

“That’s fine. I’l do the talking.”

Effing hel .

“I’m not sure I want that either,” I tried.

He dipped his head and his face got closer. “Sorry, Kitten. Enough time has been wasted.”

Oh dear. I didn’t like the sound of that.

I couldn’t stop him that much I knew. When Mace wanted something, Mace got it. I learned that early in our relationship like, the first date when he ended up spending the night, being the first and only guy I’d ever dated who I’d slept with on the first date.

However, thinking positively, maybe I could stal for long enough to get my head together.

“Before you start, tel me how much you heard,” I demanded.

He didn’t even try to screw with me, he just told me flat out, “Al of it.”


“What’s the first thing you heard?” I didn’t know why I asked, maybe a form of self-punishment for being such an effing idiot and giving into Al y making me spil .

“The first thing I heard was, ‘Hel o? Stel a? Are you in the room?’”

Yep, he heard al of it.

I must remind you, my luck was not just shitty luck, it was super shitty luck.

“It doesn’t change anything,” I told him.

“It changes everything but then everything changed when you sang Hank Wil iams to me.”

Not this again!

“Mace, I’m not going to say it again, I didn’t sing Hank to you.”

“Kitten, the place was packed and stil , you and I were the only ones in that room.”


“Please, let me go,” I asked, trying a different tactic.

“I didn’t leave you because you needed me.” Mace saw through my new tactic and didn’t think much of it.

I blinked. It felt like it took two days for me to blink; I did it in slow-mo. When my eyes were back to open they were a whole lot wider.

“Excuse me?”

“It wasn’t about you.”