Rock Chick Reckoning(222)

I sucked in a breath and shared, “Mace and I had an episode today.”

“What kind of episode?”

“I cal ed my Mom. Mace heard her being mean to me.

He freaked out, went bal istic, threw Lee’s phone against the wal . It exploded into, like, a mil ion pieces.”

“Holy shit,” Al y breathed.

“After that, I told him I loved him.”

“Holy shit!” Al y shouted. “That is so cool!”

“He didn’t say it back, he just stared at me.” Silence.

I pressed on. “Then, I said I thought he was probably a good brother and he lost it again. He grabbed onto my arms and hurt me.”

“Stel a –”

“I don’t care about that,” I cut in quickly. “I get it, al this stuff coming up for him again. It can’t be good to see it in the papers. Move around Denver knowing people know.

Having pictures of Caitlin in his face.”

“No, it can’t be good,” Al y agreed.

“He’s gonna react. I’ve gotta be able to take it.”

“Yeah. Though, chickie, he should be able to control it without hurting you.”

“He watched his sister’s head explode,” I reminded her.

Silence then she repeated, “Yeah.”

“I’m not sure I’m getting anywhere with him,” I confided.

“Girl, three days ago you were pushing him away. You got to give it time.”

She was right, so it was my turn to say, “Yeah.”

“You gonna be okay?”


“You cal if you’re not. We’l talk,” she told me. “I’m here, I hope you know that.”

That was her way and, since I knew her, always had been. Al y was tough on the outside but sweet deep down and you couldn’t ask for a better friend.

“Thanks, Al y.”

“Later,” she said.


We disconnected and I cal ed Lana immediately. She wasn’t home so I left a message about Tom and Chloe and warned her that, if she cal ed, I might not be able to talk if Mace came home.

Then I flipped the phone shut and stared at Juno. I was sitting in my armchair; she was laying on my feet snoozing.

It was late. Mace had come home earlier to drop off the groceries but he couldn’t stay and I didn’t know when he’d get back. I’d made myself dinner for one, homemade chicken and rice pilaf and the round of cal s to the Rock Chicks to get them up-to-date and make sure they were keeping their mouths shut. Then I made the round of cal s to my band, including Floyd and Buzz who were driving home from Oklahoma. I gave them the head’s up and put them under threat of death if they didn’t keep their mouths shut too.