Rock Chick Reckoning(150)

The very thought made me want to hurl.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Stel a, that tel s me you aren’t al right,” Eric said then he waited for my response that didn’t come then he went on.

“What the f**k happened with Mason’s father?”

“He’s a jerk,” I told Eric.

Eric laughed but it was short and I got the feeling he didn’t think anything was funny.

“Preston Mason is a definitely a jerk.”

I tried to focus on him in the dark but he was just a shadow so I focused on where I thought his head was.

“Do you know him?”

Eric was silent a second then his voice came at me and it was heavy with surprise. “Everyone knows Preston Mason, Stel a. The man’s famous.”

I got up on an elbow.

Just so you know, I knew I was doing wrong. I wasn’t only playing Mace, I was now playing Eric.

Earlier, I had thought for a brief moment to ask Hector to take me to his place but Hector had to work with Mace. If Hector took me in, Mace would freak out, their working relationship would deteriorate and I’d be to blame for that too.

No, the only way to make a surgical y clean, never to be healed break with Mace without dragging anyone into it that mattered was to be where I was right at that moment.

In Eric Turner’s bed.

Mace wouldn’t ever forgive that.


“Famous for what?” I asked.

Eric moved, leaning forward, he turned on a lamp that lit the room with soft light.

It was a decent room, an impersonal room, the room of a man who probably didn’t live there but was staying there for an assignment.

Eric had wanted to put me into protective custody but I wouldn’t let him. I had a life to lead. I would go back to my ultra-safe apartment but only when I knew Mace couldn’t get in anymore.

That was a phone cal I was not looking forward to.

My mind went from the phone cal to Eric who was watching me.

His hand came to my jaw and he murmured correctly,

“He’s on your mind.”

I closed my eyes and bit my lips.

Then I opened my eyes and whispered, “I’m sorry.” Eric got up and grabbed my hand. “Come to the living room.”

Not letting go of my hand, he led me to the equal y impersonal living room. He sat on the couch then he pul ed me down on his lap.

I should have resisted but I didn’t. I also didn’t resist when he pushed me so my back was to the couch, my head was on the padded arm rest and he was on his elbow at my side. My ass was stil in his lap, my legs over his thighs, his other arm lying loose across my bel y.

Somehow this intimate position felt more comfortable and reassuring than sexual and predatory. I figured it had a lot to do with the worried, gentle look on Eric’s face.