Rock Chick Reckoning(149)

Which would only be another in a long line of problems, of the past and undoubtedly wel into the future.

Yep, Kai Mason was too good for me.

Mace got closer to me. “Babe,” he said softly. “Get in the car.”

His voice washed over me like soothing elixir.

I knew I had my opening. His father gave it to me. Mace didn’t like it when I was in danger. He didn’t like it at al . He didn’t like it enough to get over being mad at me for being stupid.

I al owed myself to feel it for only a beat then I asked.

“Are you taking me to Eric?”

Mace’s eyes narrowed. “No, I’m not f**kin’ takin’ you to Turner.” I shook my head, he let go of my hand, his fingers wrapped around my upper arm and he leaned in. “We’l talk at your place, now get in the car.”

“Take me to Eric,” I said softly.

I felt his fingers tense spasmodical y on my arm but that was the only reaction he al owed me.

I could take no more.

“God damn it, Mace, take me to Eric!” I shouted.

He stared at me.

I held my breath, kept my outward calm as my insides were shivering and stared back.

The pain slashed in his eyes again.

This time, it also slashed through my heart.

He let go of my arm, turned and walked back to the doors of the bar.

“She wants to go to Turner,” he told Lee as he tossed Lee the keys in his hand. Lee caught them but in turn Hector lobbed some keys at Mace, Mace nabbed them and went straight to another Explorer. I watched as he swung in, started up the SUV and drove away.

“Get in the car, mamita. ” Hector’s heat al of a sudden was close, beating into my side and he was talking to me softly.

“You’l take me to Eric?” I whispered and with Mace gone I didn’t f**king care that Hector could see, plain as day, the tears in my eyes.

“I’l take you wherever you want to go,” he replied.

Without further hesitation, I got in the car.

* * * * *

I felt the bed depress. Then I felt the weight of my hair being lifted away from my neck.

“You al right, sweetheart?” Eric’s voice came at me in the dark.


No, I was definitely not right.

I didn’t know what time it was but it had to be late, I’d been lying in that bed for hours. It was coming on summer and the days were longer but the light had faded and night was pitch black.

“Yeah,” I lied.

“You need to eat something,” Eric told me.