Motorcycle Man(165)

“Don’t care, long’s it doesn’t come over you again.”

I took in a breath.

Then I shared, “Well, considering I didn’t exactly have control over it the last time, I can’t make that promise.”

“Fuck me,” he muttered to the headboard.

“But I’ll try,” I offered, he looked at me and when he did, his eyes had changed in a way that made me catch my breath.

“You bein’ cute mean we’re over this current shit?”

I let out my breath and asked back, “If I say yes, will you let me up for coffee?”

His face dipped close. “Babe, I like your cute but this is kinda important.”

I pulled in yet another breath and held his gaze as I whispered, “Do I really have a choice not to be over this current shit?”

“No,” he replied instantly.

“I didn’t think so,” I muttered.

“Red, you’re still bein’ cute.”

I sighed.

Then my voice softened and my arms tightened around him as I whispered, “I’m sorry that happened with your sister.”

Tack closed his eyes and dropped his forehead to mine.

There it was.

Damn, there it was. He gave it right to me but I should have known the instant I looked in his awake, alert eyes after I woke.

He’d worried about my state of mind, about the state of us, he didn’t sleep and me moving through the drama, taking in all he was, all he used to be and accepting it meant everything.

And like the everything I gave him, everything Kane “Tack” Allen gave me meant the exact same.


I kept talking.

“And that your story is difficult to take.”

He opened his eyes, stared into mine and whispered, “Baby.”

“But I’m not your absolution, honey. You earned it before you met me.”

“You’re my reward.”

Oh God.

I liked that he thought that. Like, a lot.

So I agreed, “Okay.”

“You’re in love with me,” he stated and my breath left me.

So I had to force out my, “I –”