Lucky Stars(194)

“We lost them,” Cassandra informed him, sounding disgusted.

Jack planted himself on the stairs and glowered up at the witch and the Scot.

Then he demanded to know, enunciating his words perfectly clearly, “What. The. Fuck!”

“We’ll talk downstairs, lad,” Angus said in a soft boom.

“What the f**k?” Jack repeated.


“Here,” Jack clipped, “now.”

Angus and Cassandra shared a glance then they looked back at Jack.

“We figured something like this would happen. Belle and you coming back, the children would make an appearance to be sure you were okay,” Cassandra explained, “We gave ourselves a glamour so they wouldn’t sense us and hung out. We both felt her when she arrived in your room.”

Jack ignored the absurd notion that they’d given themselves “a glamour”, whatever the f**k that was, and bit out, “Who?”

“Myrtle,” Cassandra answered.

“We wanted to catch her before she could disappear again so we could ask her some questions,” Angus added.

“So you came charging into our room, likely scaring the hell out of her, and her brother by the sounds of it, which means they’ll disappear again,” Jack snapped.

“We didn’t think she’d get away,” Angus replied.

“Well she f**king well did,” Jack returned.

“That was unexpected,” Cassandra muttered.

Jack’s eyes sliced to the witch, “Unexpected? You’re supposed to be clairvoyant, for f**k’s sake.”

She pressed her lips together and had the grace to look embarrassed.

“After this debacle, I’m supposed to trust that you two can keep my family safe, Belle safe, while ridding this castle of ghosts?” Jack asked and his voice was dangerous.

“So you believe in them now.” Angus grinned his demented grin.

Jack felt his jaw grow hard before he said, “I didn’t see them but I heard the boy and you didn’t answer my question.”

“Well, that’s something, it’ll be better if you believe,” Cassandra put in.

Jack’s angry gaze swung to her, he ignored her comment and commanded, “Perhaps one of you will answer my f**king question.”

“Calm down, mate. It isn’t like this gig is easy. It’s not like it’s a love potion. Ghosts can be unpredictable,” Cassandra told him.

“Especially child ghosts. They’re always the toughest to deal with,” Angus grumbled.

“One of you, I don’t care who,” Jack cut in, “have two seconds to give me one good reason not to toss you out on your asses right f**king now.”

“Cassandra leaves, half of her protection goes with her,” Angus replied swiftly. “It’s connected to her essence. There will be some protection but we’re guessing, considering the unusualness of this job, that you need all you can get, lad.”

Jack glared at the Scot.

“And, regardless of this, Angus is the best in the business. You couldn’t get better,” Cassandra put in.

“Thanks, Cass.” Angus grinned at her.