Lucky Stars(193)

Jack smiled into the dark and advised, “I’m afraid you’re going to have to get used to that, love.”

It took her a while but, finally, she relaxed and said on a sigh, “I guess I’ll try.”

And, again, he couldn’t stop his chuckle.

* * * * *

Jack’s Sunday was not quite complete.

Because in the middle of the night, the dogs started barking loudly.

He jerked awake and felt Belle do the same in his arms.

“What the f**k?” he muttered but before he could ascertain what was wrong, the door to the bedroom flew open.

Jack came up and twisted in bed as the room suddenly flooded with light and Jack stared in stunned disbelief as Angus and Cassandra charged in, Angus, wielding a whip and Cassandra brandishing what looked to be…

He stared incredulously…

A twig.

“We’ll not harm ye, wee ghosty!” Angus boomed, his eyes across the room.

“She’s vaporising!” Cassandra shouted.

The dogs barked.

Jack threw the covers back and knifed out of bed.

His body went rock-solid when he heard an ethereal, boy’s voice shout, “Myrtle!”

At the sound, Jack’s body stayed still but his head whipped around and he saw Angus circle the whip over his head but when he flicked it out, it fell to the ground.

“The turret!” Cassandra yelled and ran from the room.

Angus, his kilt awhirl, followed her.

“Don’t hurt them!” Belle shouted. She was out of bed and running after Angus and Cassandra, the dogs, still barking, at her heels.

Jack ran after her and caught her at the waist in the hall.

“Don’t hurt them!” Belle screamed after the departing Angus and Cassandra, her body straining against Jack’s hold and Angus whirled back.

“We won’t hurt them, lass.”

Then he was gone.

Belle turned urgently to Jack. “Jack, don’t let them hurt the children.”

Jack grasped her hand and tugged her swiftly down the hall to Lila’s room. Turning the handle, he shoved open the door, switched on the light and Lila came immediately up in bed and stared at them.

Before she could say a word or even blink the sleep from her eyes, Jack ordered, “Do not let Belle leave this room and keep the dogs close.”

Then, without waiting for a response, he left.

He went back to Belle and his room, pulled on jeans, a t-shirt and trainers and ran to the eastern turret where he knew most sightings of the child ghosts took place.

He was climbing the spiral, stone stairwell at a run, taking the steps two at a time, when he saw Angus and Cassandra descending.