Lucky Stars(174)

Upon hearing them, he saw Lila’s eyes register surprise then they warmed. The sad smile disappeared, a hopeful one took its place and she squeezed his arm.

Later, Rachel came in carrying groceries and Jack went out to retrieve the rest.

Later still, Belle woke and sat in the kitchen with Jack while Rachel and Lila made dinner and even helped do the dishes when they were finished eating.

Shortly after, Lila and Rachel made their way to the door.

Belle followed them to the landing, her expression confused.

“Where are you going?” she asked her mother.

“Home, to The Point,” Rachel answered, giving Belle a kiss on the cheek.

“But, I thought –” Belle started.

“I’ve got painting to do and we’ve got guests, Cassandra and Angus,” Lila reminded Belle, moving in for her own kiss.

“But, they aren’t guests you hired –” Belle began again after she received her kiss.

“We’ll come and visit tomorrow,” Rachel assured her daughter.

“No, tomorrow’s Sunday. Sundays are Jack’s days,” Lila, to Jack’s surprise (and satisfaction) told Rachel.

Belle’s body jerked but Rachel said, “Oh, right.” She looked at her daughter and went on, “We’ll be back on Monday.”

“But, my car,” Belle said. “I’ll need –”

Jack slid his hand along her waist, pulling her to his side and interrupted her, “If you need to go anywhere, love, I’ll take you.”

She looked up at him, her face wan, the bandage still at her temple, dark circles under her eyes even though she’d slept a good deal the past few days and she mumbled, “But –”

His fingers gave her a squeeze at her waist and he promised softly, “Whatever you need, poppet, I’ll get it for you.”

He saw tears fill her eyes, she swallowed, looked to his shoulder, his ear and then away.

Then she said, “Okay,” but she didn’t mean it.

They spent a quiet night in front of the television until she fell asleep, her head against his bicep which she was using for a pillow.

He took her to bed and woke with her already awake in front of him.

His arm got tight and her body grew solid.

“Belle,” he whispered into her bent neck.

“You should go,” she said back.

It was then his body grew solid.

“Why?” he asked.

“I don’t want you here,” she told him, her voice quiet and remote, her words felt like acid injected straight into a vein.

He ignored the pain and replied, “Sorry, my love, I’m willing to give you just about anything you want but I’m afraid that’s something I can’t give you.”

“There’s no reason anymore for you to be here,” she went on to explain, her voice still quiet, her head tipped down, her body remained tight.

Her words slashed through his gut and he pulled her vaguely resisting body closer before he asked, “Why would you say that?”