Lucky Stars(173)

Jack went to Belle’s bedroom.

She was lying on her side on top of the covers, her hands in prayer position under her cheek, her right wrist wrapped in a bandage, her eyes were open.

She lifted her head when he entered then, without any further reaction, her head dropped back down on her hands.

This didn’t faze him. After being treated to days of this kind of behaviour while she was in hospital, Jack was used to it.

However, this time, as she was not in a narrow hospital bed having just fallen down the stairs, he took off his shoes. At the same time Gretl and Baron came in and started nosing at the side of the bed for Belle’s attention.

She reached her left hand out and stroked each dog alternately.

Jack joined her in bed, being careful as he knew she was stiff and sore and he settled behind her.

She stopped stroking and went still.

“Jack –” she whispered.

He cut her off as his arm slid around her waist, “Quiet, love.”

“I think –”


“We shouldn’t –”

He carefully pulled her into his body. “Belle, I said quiet.”

She kept her body stiff but whispered, “Okay.”

She resumed stroking his dogs’ heads until they settled in, lying by the bed.

And Jack held her until she fell asleep.

Then he cautiously left the bed and went back out to the car to collect the things he hadn’t been able to carry when he arrived.

As he filled the dogs’ bowls with water and food and set them in the kitchen, Lila came in.

“She’s still asleep,” Lila whispered. “I’ve closed the door.”

Jack nodded.

Lila studied him, her eyes soft. “Are you okay?”

His reply was instant and honest, “No.”

He watched as she closed her eyes and he felt his gut get tight at witnessing the pain in stark relief as it settled on her features.

“Lila, are you all right?” he asked in return.

Her eyes opened and she gave him a sad smile as she shook her head.

“Whatever your child feels, and that extends to whatever your grandchild feels, you feel it too. Happiness or despair, you feel it right along with them.” Jack’s jaw got hard and Lila came forward, put her hand to his arm and continued in a quiet voice, “I know that’s difficult for you to hear right now but I’ve every faith you’ll learn this yourself, my man, I know you will…” she paused and whispered, “someday.”

Jack nodded again. He didn’t have it in him to answer mainly because his chest had tightened along with his gut and he was finding it more important at that juncture to focus on breathing.

Lila got closer and her voice dipped quieter when she advised, “Don’t let her pull away.”

“I won’t,” Jack vowed and it was, indeed, a vow. His words were low and they vibrated.