Lacybourne Manor(59)

His eyebrows came up lazily. This, for some reason, made her stomach do a flip flop.

Regardless, Sibyl persevered, “In April.”

He still simply regarded her.

“For two weeks,” she finished.

“And?” he prompted.

“And, well… you and… well… me...”

He grinned. This grin was wicked.

She was beginning to realise Colin liked the upper hand, which he had a great deal with regard to her.

His head descended again and he brushed his lips against hers before saying, “I see.”

“We’ll need to take a little break for two weeks and –”

“Oh no.” His lips brushed hers again, his tone firm, and he finished. “A deal’s a deal.”

“Colin!” She pulled her head away (as far away as it could go, resting on a pillow). “I can’t exactly say, ‘Sorry, Mom… Dad, gotta go meet my lover for a rousing round of bed play’. I don’t think so.”

“Bed play?” His voice was amused.

She sat up again and twisted around and Colin pulled away to avoid her crashing into him, settling on his back.

“Colin! This is serious!” she exclaimed, looking down at him.

“I’m taking it seriously. It’s my two months.”

“I’ll make it up to you in May,” she offered.

“If you want this, I’ll take all of May and three weeks in June.”

Sibyl gasped.

“That’s another,” she stopped to calculate it, “entire month!” she finished.

“Yes it is. And I’ll want to see you sometime during those two weeks in April.”

“That’s not possible and that’s not fair,” she returned sharply and a little desperately.

“That’s the only offer on the table,” Colin retorted firmly.

She realised she’d started shaking and this wasn’t a good kind of shaking or the scared or melancholy king, it was the angry kind.

He was heartless.

She didn’t think she could to it for another month. Not that “it” was that bad. In fact “it” was mind-bogglingly, earth-shatteringly good. One could even say it was otherworldly good.

And it was the best she’d ever had.

By far.

Although, she hadn’t had that much but this was something else. It made her toes curl just thinking about it.

How she could not really like him (at all) and still find him so amazingly attractive was beyond her. Though, she had to admit, sex with Colin was simply unbelievable.