Lacybourne Manor(58)

“Did you have an orgasm?”


“What? Oh, yes, you probably can’t talk now, since he’s there. And if I take up your time, you might miss a morning quickie.”

Sibyl returned to her defeated position of head in hand and she expelled a frustrated sigh. She loved her mother, she’d lay down her life for her but sometimes she was just too much. And now was definitely one of those times.

Her mother continued. “Just know I’m glad your dry spell is over and I hope your father and I meet him in April. Will we meet him in April?”

Sibyl’s body went rigid.

In all the emotional drama, she’d forgotten about her parent’s visit in April. Their visit was smack in the middle of Colin’s two months. Two months where he was to have her when he said, where he said.

The very thought of those words made her shiver and, she had to admit, this shiver had not a thing to do with fear or gloom.

Sibyl powered through the shiver and began, “Mom –”

“I know, it’s too soon. I hope to meet him though. He must be something special to catch your fancy. See you soon, baby.”

Then she rang off without giving Sibyl a chance to say good-bye.

Sibyl pressed the phone off with her thumb and sat staring at it, thinking maybe she should throw it through the window.

Sibyl was not a morning person and this morning was no exception. Her mother only exacerbated the problem.

Before she could engage in her violent act against the phone, Colin slid it out of her hand.

She didn’t watch him replace it in the receiver; she just plopped back on the pillows with a heavy sigh.

Her life was completely out-of-control and she only had herself to blame.

“That sounded like an interesting conversation,” Colin remarked.

Considering the fact that she’d only uttered a handful of words, and most of them were “Mom”, she threw him a killing look where only her eyes moved sideways but she didn’t speak.

When she didn’t, he did. “I imagine she wasn’t too thrilled when a man answered the phone first thing in the morning.”

“Oh no,” Sibyl replied, slowly closing her eyes. “One could say she was beside herself with glee.”

No response.

Sibyl opened her eyes again.

He was back to resting on his elbow, watching her with warm, inquisitive eyes.

She decided to ignore the warm, inquisitive eyes too. She didn’t want to think of a warm, inquisitive Colin. If she did, she might shiver again.

“My mother is…” How could she put it? “Odd.”

He decided that the conversation was finished and she knew this because his head began to descend.

“Colin, we have to talk,” Sibyl blurted.

The descent stopped.

“That doesn’t sound good.” His voice was guarded.

“My parents are coming to visit me,” she told him.