
But, still.

I was peeved.

“No fair,” I said to the ceiling, sounding as annoyed as I was.

I felt his body tense and he lifted his head to look down at me.

He, too, looked peeved.

“Are you shittin’ me?” he asked.

“No,” I snapped, somewhat breathily since he was heavy, but mostly because I was still riding the high of great sex and being with Deacon.

His brows shot together and a few days ago, that would have been more than a little daunting.

Right then, it was not.

“You got my dick in your mouth, the first head I’ve had in seven years, you’re workin’ fuckin’ magic, you stop to have a heartfelt chat, I retaliate, and you think that’s not fair?” he asked.

“That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about how you keep one-upping me in the happiness stakes.”

His brows shot up at that. “The happiness stakes?”

“I’m supposed to be making you happy, not the other way around.”

The scowl he was delivering faded as he stared at me.

Then he gave me all of his weight, crushing me to the bed when he burst out laughing.

The sound filled the room, filled my senses. The feel shook me and not just physically. Emotionally in ways I knew I’d never forget that feel for my whole life. All of it, the wealth of beauty soaked into my skin, and when it did I knew the man on top of me laughing was it. The one. The world. The man made for me. The man I was going to fall in love with. The only man I’d ever really love.

That was why I’d made my choice.

That was why I would long for him if he’d decided to leave me.

That was what I knew would haunt me. Not wondering how it could have been, knowing I’d lost everything if he didn’t give me the chance to make him laugh just like he was doing.

And there it was again.

Just by laughing, he one-upped me.

“Ugh, you’re one-upping me again,” I announced irately.

He shifted slightly to my side by getting up on a forearm but staying connected to me.

“How’s that?” he asked, still chuckling.

“You have a great laugh,” I answered exasperatedly.

He stopped laughing but kept grinning (more freaking happy!) as he cupped my jaw and dipped his face close. “Cassie, you made me laugh.”

“I couldn’t miss that, Deacon.”

His thumb swept my cheek and he stopped grinning.

“Baby, you made me laugh.”

Oh God.