
I saw his head tipped back, watching me, but he didn’t move an inch as I maneuvered over him, tucking a knee into the seat at his hip and swinging a leg wide to straddle him.

When I settled my ass to his thighs, I put both hands to his chest and leaned in. He put his hand without the glass to my ass, rested his head back on the seat, and let me.

“I decorated eleven for you,” I whispered after I got into position.

His hand clenched my ass and the eye crinkles vanished.

“I wanted you to have a place that you were comfortable being,” I told him.

“Cement countertops were a good touch, baby,” he told me.

It was so cool he noticed the countertops so I got closer and smiled.

His hand slid up my spine.

I held his eyes and felt my smile leave when I told him, “You hurt my feelings when you paid for Christmas.”

“Needed to give that message, Cassie.”

“I know, but it still hurt.”

His hand rounded my shoulder and cupped the side of my neck when he whispered, “Sorry, baby.”

“Make it up to me. Let me pay you back for the dog.”

He slid his hand into my hair and pulled me closer to his face.

“Future reference, this game you’re playin’ to get your way, it’s gonna work a lot of the time. When it’s about me givin’ you somethin’ that’s doin’ somethin’ for me, like givin’ me peace of mind I did what I could to keep you safe when I’m not here, it’s a game you’re gonna lose.”

There it was. More happy. And he even managed it while denying me something I wanted.

I totally had to step up my game.

“No fair,” I said quietly. “You can’t give me a reason that makes me feel all warm and squishy when you’re not giving me my way.”

I heard that thread of humor in his voice and it wasn’t near as slender when he asked, “Warm and squishy?”

I dipped closer, sliding my lips along his cheek to his ear as I rolled my hips in his lap, and whispered, “Squishy.”

His head moved and I turned mine in time to see him belting back his bourbon.

A beat later, the glass landed on the arm of his chair with a thud, and a beat after that, we were out of that chair, one of his arms under my ass holding me wrapped around him, the other one at the back of my neck, holding me tight to him.

“I take it it’s time for bed,” I noted as he walked us to the door to the kitchen.


I dipped in again and said against his neck, “Yippee.”

His arms gave me a squeeze as he walked us into my house.

Then he carried me to bed.

* * * * *

I slid Deacon’s cock out of my mouth, licked the tip, and called, “Deacon?”

I didn’t have to call him. I was curled between his legs, his knees cocked, shoulders to the headboard, and he was watching me.