
He looked at me. “What?”

“If she makes the decision not to participate in the discussion, it’s her decision to make. But you should try not to make anyone mad and if you know it might happen, you should avoid doing what you’re gonna do to make them mad. There are times, but it’s rare, when it’s okay to talk behind someone’s back or break a confidence. This, just my opinion,” I shrugged, “is not one of those times.”

“I’ll talk to him when she’s there,” Brand decided.

“Good call,” I muttered.

We fell silent.

Theo’s giggle pierced the air.

“You’re really, pretty, totally cool, Sylvie,” Brand whispered into the silence.

Okay, good.

No, f**king great.

I survived that minefield.

Fucking awesome.

“You’re really, pretty, totally cool too, Brand,” I replied.

“Awesome,” he kept whispering.

I grinned.

Adam found Creed and Theo, not hard since Theo was making so much noise, and it was Adam’s turn to giggle.

Yes, this was it.

The life.

My grin turned into a smile.

* * * * *

Creed stifled the groan of his orgasm in my neck.

I held on with all four limbs as he did and I kept holding on as he stayed seated inside me and came down.

When his breathing started to even out, I whispered, “Right, I seriously liked it, in a big way, but what was that?”

It was late. A lot later than I expected to be in Creed’s bed, in his hotel room with Creed. It was also hours later than I expected to get his call and I didn’t expect his call to include him saying, “Get over here. Now. Bring the oil,” before he hung up.

I got over there as soon as I could, which, admittedly, included me driving a little bit more than my normal crazy, and I brought the oil.

The minute I arrived, I barely knocked twice before the door was opened, I was in and Creed was on me.

He didn’t speak. What he did do was do me up the ass, f**k me normally and make me come three times before he found it.

I let this happen because he was being silent and broody, except a lot hotter since he was f**king me while doing it.

Now, I wanted to know what was going on.

He lifted his head and declared, “You’re staying with me in two weeks when we go down to Phoenix. No more of this hotel bullshit.”

“Uh,” I proceeded cautiously, “not sure I’m down with that, baby. It’s too soon.”