
But she couldn’t bear Leslie and especially Theo. She might let them in when they weren’t so loud and manically active. Now it was just me and Adam, who was also full of exuberance and energy but not around Gun. He was quiet and gentle with Gun and she showed her appreciation.

She watched me walk in, sit my ass on the side of the bed and pull off my boots and socks. She then scooted away when I got up, turned toward the bed, fell forward and did a face plant in it.

And as I closed my eyes, sleep claiming me, I felt her curl up in the dent of my waist.

I knew she was probably hungry. It was time for breakfast.

But she was my Gun. She knew me. She had my back.

She’d wait.

Chapter Two

The Cutest Boy in Town

A cold, dark night in the hills of Kentucky, twenty-eight years earlier, Sylvie is six…

I heard them yelling.

“Fuck you!”

“You wish, dirtbag! Fuck you! You piece of shit!”

“Don’t call me a piece of shit!”

“Don’t tell me what I can say!”

“You eat my food, live in my house, suck my dick for diamonds, I’ll do whatever the f**k I want!”

“I hope you have a good memory, ass**le, because the last blowjob you got was the last you’ll get from me! I. Am. GONE!”

Then I heard it, the thump and I jumped.

I knew what that meant.

I knew what it meant.

I knew. I knew. I knew.

She’d have bruises tomorrow and walk funny.

I didn’t like it when she had bruises and walked funny.

“Come on, Bootsie, come on,” I whispered and my doggie, a sweet, white, West Highland Terrier’s, head cocked as I waved to her on my way to the door. She didn’t want to come. She always tried to keep me in the room. She didn’t like the yelling either, I knew it. She was a dog, she couldn’t tell me but I still knew it. She also knew what would happen if we got caught. She was there and Daddy had even kicked her once when they found us.

But I couldn’t stay. I couldn’t listen anymore. We’d only been caught a few times but we’d gone walking loads. I didn’t like getting caught but I heard the words in my head over and over again. I never forgot them. I didn’t need any more of the words.

“NO!” I heard her screech.

“Last blowjob I’ll get?” Daddy roared back. “We’ll see about that, bitch!”

No more words.

We had to go.

“Come on,” I kept whispering and slid out the door, careful. I had to be careful. They couldn’t catch me.

That would be bad.