Broken Dove(224)

She nodded as best she could with his hand at her throat and he released her.

Instantly, she jerked to the side, folded double and lifted her hands to her throat, gasping in air.

Apollo dismissed her and looked to Frey.

“My Madeleine was under attack tonight, Frey. I grow weary of this banter. We remove the women and let Laures work.”

“Apollo,” Maddie called in protest at the same time Finnie said, “I don’t think so, Frey.”

Frey turned to his woman.

Apollo turned to his.

“You’re a distraction, dove,” he said quietly. She opened her mouth but he saw her face was pale, her eyes haunted. He knew she would not spend one more minute in that room and he didn’t care if he had to carry her out himself.

But first he tried, “Please.”

She shut her mouth.

Thank the gods, that worked.

“Take the women to the witch,” Frey ordered and Thad moved toward Finnie.

Apollo looked to Draven, jerked his chin Madeleine’s way and Draven moved toward her.

He watched them leave the room, noting Maddie left without looking back. He then watched the door close behind them. Only when the door closed did he turned his eyes to Laures.

“Start with Franka,” he ordered.

“What? No!” she cried, all her audacity lost, her eyes were huge and staring at Laures.

Laures looked to Apollo and Apollo knew why.

He drew a line at woman.

Apollo cut his eyes to Frey.

Frey nodded then looked to Oleg.

Oleg moved forward.

“I know nothing of conspiracy!” Franka exclaimed.

“Annar, get me a hook,” Oleg said.

Franka’s face lost all color.

Annar moved to the door and her eyes followed him.

“I…you can’t…” Her eyes shot to Frey. “Frey, you can’t really believe I’d—”

Frey interrupted her. “Convince me you wouldn’t, cousin, but do it fast.”

Apollo saw her gaze flick in the direction of her brother before it moved back to Apollo. “The Drakkars are the most powerful family in Lunwyn. You know I value my ties to my family. You know why. We’ve been here before during the last conspiracy. What reason would any Drakkar have to—?”

But Frey had seen the glance too.

“Oleg, not Franka. Kristian,” he ordered.