Broken Dove(222)

“If I do, then how would you all know that Valeria has long since tired of her husband’s wandering eye, and cock, and for years has been bedding Malcolm Turnish, a wealthy merchant who could afford dozens of those diamonds, and Korwahkian emeralds, sapphires, rubies.” Franka threw out a hand. “I could go on. He would actually wed her, if she would sever ties with Eirik and allow it. However, it’s unlikely some of her acquaintances would invite her to their gales if she was on the arm of just a merchant. And we all know Valeria likes to dance.”

She looked to Valeria and continued, what seemed genuinely.

“I’m sorry to tell tales of your wifely betrayal, darling, but I actually like Malcolm, regardless of his profession, and have desired for some time for you to be kept in the style to which you should be accustomed without needing to beg. Not to mention the not insignificant bonus of having a man known to be much endowed in a variety of ways.”

Franka barely finished her words before Eirik roared, “You betray me?” and he made a move toward his wife.

He didn’t get very far. Garik moved in and detained him.

Eirik struggled infuriatedly, though futilely, against his son’s hold while Valeria studied her husband like he was a specimen tacked to a board.

“I have not entertained you in my bed in fifteen years, husband. And I only took you before to get my sons and, after I had them, as duty to our marriage,” she explained casually, as if she was informing him of the menu she’d chosen for the week.

Suddenly Eirik stood still and hissed, “You never had an interest in play.”

“Oh no, darling,” Valeria whispered. “I never had an interest in playing with a man who doesn’t know how to use his cock. One who does is very different.”

Franka emitted a purring chuckle.

Garik looked to his eldest brother. “Just to say, at this point, I don’t know whether to vomit or cut off my ears.”

Apollo was done as well.

And he communicated this by saying quietly, “Frey.”

Frey looked to Apollo and nodded.

Then he moved his gaze from one brother to the next. “You might wish to leave.”

“I’ll be staying,” Calder announced immediately.

“And I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Garik murmured, pushing his father off and moving toward Finnie. He settled in, leaning his shoulders close to where she was still lounging.

Frey looked to Apollo. “Oleg or Laures?”

“Let’s see what Laures can get,” Apollo answered.

He felt Maddie’s hand convulse in his and he reconsidered his decision to allow her to enter, especially as she was close to Laures and he did not like to think of her perception of him changing as he went about the unpleasant necessities of his work.

Before he could make his decision, Laures moved forward.

Valeria and Eirik came alert and started moving back as Franka watched Laures move toward her brethren. She did this with a face showing only mild interest.

“Are you…do you mean to…to…torture us?” Eirik asked, his eyes glued to Laures.

“No,” Frey answered then finished, “If you don’t make that necessary.”

Eirik’s eyes shot to his son. “I’ve told you, I know nothing of a conspiracy!”

“Can I go last?” Franka put in at this point. “I’d like to watch.”

Frey looked to her but Apollo had been finished with her games earlier that evening.

He was most assuredly done with her now.

To communicate this, he told her, “The last conspirator I faced who proved of no use got his throat slit.”

Her eyes slid to him and she raised her brows. “You’d take a blade to a woman?”