Kiss and Break Up - Ella Fields Page 0,35

wash the makeup off. You’re grounded for a week.”

A week was pretty good, I thought, considering. But I’d only ever been grounded once before, and that was when Dash decided I should try some pot during last Thanksgiving break outside near the creek.

I should’ve known that wouldn’t have been easy to hide, seeing as I’d laughed my ass off over nothing for an hour straight, ate everything in sight, then vomited it all up.

I hadn’t done it again since.

I sighed, the sound a pitiful gush of air, throwing my arms around my body like a six-year-old who didn’t get her own way. “This is so not freaking fair.”

“Heard that.”

I scrunched my nose, then yelled, “How’d you find out anyway?”

It took her a minute to respond, and I yanked off my skirt, throwing it into the corner of the room. “It’s Magnolia Cove, Pegs. You think you kids are the only ones who gossip?”


“We’ll figure something out. Your birthday is soon right?” Yelling ensued in the background. “Mark, you fucking psycho, how you doing?” Laughter reached my ears, and I started swinging my legs up in the air on my bed. “Right? It’s bomb as fuck. All right, later. You there, Peg?”

“Yup.” I couldn’t exactly go anywhere else. For a whole week.

“Sorry, haven’t seen that idiot in ages. He goes to the public school.”

Great, so not only was there a party I couldn’t attend with my new boyfriend, but it was potentially one of the biggest parties to happen this year. I faked a yawn. “You should go, have fun.”

“I am,” he said, swallowing something, likely alcohol. “Wish you were here. I can’t believe you got found out.”

“I know.”

We made plans to talk tomorrow, and I hung up before chucking my phone to the end of the bed. I’d texted Daphne earlier, telling her our plan had been thwarted. She wanted to know how, and I told her gossip. It didn’t sound like she believed that, but at this point, I didn’t really care.

I switched on the Xbox, but no one was online. Playing with a bunch of strangers was fine, though not as fun. I switched it off ten minutes later and went in search of a snack.

I was in bed before ten, wanting nothing more than to sleep this night off so I didn’t have to think about Daphne, Willa, Byron, and probably Dash having fun without me.

Around midnight, I was almost asleep when the sound of cussing followed by a hard body came through the window. “Dash?”

“The one and only,” he slurred, crawling up the bed commando style.

“You reek of booze.”

“Probs because I drank a shit ton of it, probs.” He slumped down next to me. “How’s about a kiss?”

“How’s about you should probs go home?”

He blinked slowly, then laughed. “Good one, but nah, I made it here, and here is good.”

Grumbling, I tugged the duvet back over myself, well aware of the fact I was only in panties and a tank. “How was the party?”

“Pretty fucking crazy. How was the no party?”

I huffed, then paused. “Wait, how’d you know I wasn’t going?”

His brows gathered, eyes shutting. “Ah, because you weren’t there maybe?”

That had me laughing, and so did he, though it was more like bursts of drunken sound. “Quiet,” I hissed. “Mom’s already pissed at me.”

“What happened?” he asked, rolling over to face me. His fingers reached for my cheek and his entire hand fell on it, heavily petting.

I shoved it away. “She found out I was going to Wade’s, so now I’m grounded for a week.”



“Wanna make out?” His hand went under the duvet, finding my hip and pulling me closer. My nose almost touched his, and all I could smell was bourbon and cigarettes intermingling with his new aftershave.

“No,” I said, not sure if I meant it when his hand gripped around the curve of my hip, fitting so perfectly.

“You sure?” he asked on a whisper. “Because I’m so hard for you right now.”

I laughed, then turned my face, trying to smother it in my pillow. “God, how did we get here?”

“Well, I walked. I’m assuming you’ve been here since school got out.” I gave him a look that said that wasn’t what I’d meant. He exhaled, his warm breath fogging my lips. “Who cares? It’s a pretty great place to be.”

“It is, is it?”

His lip curled, teeth and dimple appearing. “Best not to overthink it.”

With his mouth unbearably close to mine and drifting closer, I pushed my hands against his chest. “It’s always best Copyright 2016 - 2024