Kiss and Break Up - Ella Fields Page 0,34

I rolled the window down and tried to think of something to say that’d smooth the pensive, hardened edges to his features. “What are you doing this afternoon?”

“Heading to the skate park for a bit, then I was going to come over and have you fondle my dick.”

I coughed out a laugh. “What?”

“You heard me.”

I blinked five times before I turned to him, still laughing. “Dash, we can’t do that now.”

“Because fuckboy Romeo says he’s claiming you?” He chuckled, the sound dry. “We were having fun. Fuck him.”

I studied his expression, the hard set to his jaw, but I couldn’t see his eyes behind his Ray-Bans. “That would definitely be cheating, and well,” I hemmed, “I like him. I don’t want to ruin things.”

“Like Kayla did,” he said. “You’re right. He doesn’t seem like the type to stand for betrayal all that well.”

A sour taste eroded over my tongue as those words sluiced through me. He didn’t. And even though I was new to this, and we weren’t official, I knew Dash was right. Byron probably wouldn’t take what Dash and I had been doing too well at all.

“I’m curious, though. What’s there to like about the guy?” Dash asked. “His horrible taste in shoes? Not to mention, Kayla’s not done with him. Drama, drama, drama.”

“It sure sounds like she is.” I opened the door when he reached my place, yanking my bag out. Leaning inside the car, I sighed. “Dash, please just let me do this.”

His elbow was resting on the door, his head tilted as he surveyed me from behind dark frames. “I’m just failing to see why you even want to.”

“I’ve already said why.”

He waved his fingers. “Yeah, you like him. Supposedly. But you know …” His head dipped, gaze moving over my body. “Too much practice never hurt anyone.”

I smirked, then shut the door. “Bye, Dash.”


Coughing, I doused my hair in another layer of hairspray, then shoved the can down on my dresser.

I’d donned my aqua green tutu and paired it with an off-the-shoulder, ripped white T-shirt.

A text came through on my phone, and I picked it up, smiling.

Byron: one hour. :D

Me: 59 minutes :D :D

Gone was my fear of seeming too eager beaver, and in its place, excitement brewed steadily, keeping an almost permanent smile on my face. I wondered whether we’d sneak out, like Byron had said when he’d called me last night. “Find our own place to party,” he’d said in a tired yet oh, so sexy voice.

While I wasn’t ready to hand over my V-card to him just yet, I felt more than ready to try all the things Dash and I had tried. I was confident it’d feel just as good, just as exhilarating, breath stealing, and daydream worthy, and maybe even better.

Dumping my phone, I selected some silver hoop earrings and put them on as I tried to keep my feet from dancing on the spot. The window beside my bed was cracked open to help with the fumes, the breeze drifting off the creek stirring the lace curtains.

Dash had been quiet on the way to school this morning, and I’d gotten a lift home from Daphne after he’d texted me to say he was bailing early due to a headache. I’d asked if he was okay but hadn’t gotten a response.

I was about to text him again to check when the wooden floorboards creaked with Mom’s footsteps. My heartbeat stalled, then exploded, booming erratically. She was supposed to be at Phil’s for dinner.

“Peggy,” she said, more of a sigh than a greeting, leaning into my bedroom. “Take the earrings off. You’re grounded.”

My hands fell, my heart still rioting. “What?”

“Don’t you raise your voice at me. I said you’re not going. Now get changed.”

Dazed, I just stood there. I’d asked if I could stay at Daphne’s last night, and she’d said yes instantly. I’d slept over at Willa’s plenty of times, Daphne’s a few times too, and never once had she questioned it. Hell, she’d never once said no, so it wasn’t even a matter of asking anymore, and more about letting her know what my plans were.

“I don’t understand,” I said the thought aloud.

“Wade’s party?” Her brow rose sharply. “I wasn’t born yesterday, sweetheart.”

I groaned, yanking off my earrings. “Mom, I wouldn’t have—”

“You should’ve just asked me like last time.”

“I didn’t think you’d say yes to another party, not this soon,” I pleaded, feeling my eyes water.

Her own softened marginally. “I guess now you’ll never know. Now strip and Copyright 2016 - 2024