Kingpin (An Italian Mafia Romance Duet #1) - W.S. Greer Page 0,91

move to Alaska because I was a minor, and it broke my heart into pieces that were never put back together until I came back. I have a choice whether to stay or go this time. And I choose Dominic.

He’s the kingpin, and I’m his queen.

We’re in this.


“Out of all the people in the world, the last person I expected to hear from is you.”

“Well, it took me a while to come to this decision, so I guess I surprised myself, too.”

“Alright, well, I’m here. In private, like you asked. So, what’s this about?”

“It’s about Dominic.”

“Well, I figured. Why else would you be talking to me?”

“Look, I think we both know that what just happened with The Family isn’t the best idea. I think he might be in a little over his head.”

“Maybe he is, but what the fuck is the point? He’s the boss now, so everybody in The Family has to just suck it up and accept it. There’s nothing anybody can do about it now.”

“Why not?”

“What do you mean, why not?”

“Why can’t anybody do anything about it?”

“Because that’s not the way it’s supposed to work anymore. This ain’t the nineties where John Gotti kills Paul Castellano to take his position as boss. It’s 2016, and things are done differently. So, as much as we may not like it, and as much damage as it might cause, we have to deal with it.”

“I don’t want to just deal with it. Look, I don’t want to see Dominic in this position because I don’t want to see him hurt.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? He’s the most powerful, protected man in St. Louis. Nobody would dare lay a finger on him now.”

“They would if he starts to ruin things. They would if he starts changing traditions put in place by The Commission. I bet they wouldn’t be happy about that, and you know how it would go if he did something that rubbed them the wrong way.”

“You say that like you already got some information about his plans as boss. Do you?”

“No, I just have a hunch. Look, I love Dominic, and my loyalty to him is unbreakable. I just don’t want him to be the boss of The Family, and I know you can help me come up with a way to change things.”

“Wow. I didn’t expect this from you. It’d break his heart into a million fucking pieces if he knew you were doing this.”

“It’s for his own good.”

“Alright, you called me because you thought I’d help you with this. But like I said, we don’t put a hit out on our own bosses.”

“Jesus Christ, is that what you think this is about? I don’t want him dead, I just don’t want him to be the boss. I’d never try to have him killed. I just said I loved him, didn’t I?”

“Okay then, what are you suggesting?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I called you.”

“Well, I don’t know either. He’s only been the boss for a couple of weeks. If anything suspicious happens now, it’ll be bad for everybody. It’s too soon.”

“Okay, so we wait.”

“Yeah. Whatever we come up with will have to wait. If you really want him removed from power, it’s gonna take some time. It’ll have to be a slow process over a stretch of time. And we’ll have to be careful, because like I said, if he finds out we’re doing this, it’ll destroy him. Especially with you being involved. Who knows what the fuck he might do?”

“Yeah. I know.”

“Don’t look so sad. If you’re patient, you’re gonna get exactly what you want. I’ll take some time to think on this, and we can meet up again in later. For now, just relax, alright? It’s gonna take some time and some patience, but we’ll figure something out.”

There’s so many reason why this book is special to me. I feel like the road to Kingpin was very long, and it had a lot of bumps and potholes to get over and maneuver around for me to make it to my destination. I’ve been trying to get to this place for a long time, and I kept getting lost along the way. It’s so easy to get distracted and sidetracked in this game. It’s easy to get pulled away from what you want to do when you’re doing something different from what’s popular, and I’ve fallen victim to this . . . well, five times before this. I didn’t want to get pulled away from Copyright 2016 - 2024