Kind of Famous - Mary Ann Marlowe Page 0,22

plate on the table next to Jo. “I think she was angling for the first hamburger. Congrats, it’s all yours.” His joke was tinged with obvious concern, and he didn’t move until Micah nodded.

“She’s fine. It’s just low.” Micah rubbed her arm. “What happened?”

Jo sat up and reached over to pinch off a hunk of hamburger bun. She popped it in her mouth and talked while she chewed. “Just didn’t remember to eat.”

“Since when?”

“Earlier. I got to working on my portfolio. It got late, and then we were coming here anyway, so I pushed it.”

Micah still knelt before her, holding her hand gently, but his tone bordered on angry. “Are we going to have to go back to setting an alarm?”

“No, Micah. I’m fine.” She picked up the hamburger, shaking it at him like proof, and then nibbled at it.

“This time, yeah.” He exhaled in apparent relief. “Why don’t you come lie down for a bit?”

“What? And miss the croquet?”

Eden said, “If you want to go back home, I understand.”

Jo looked to Micah for some telepathic advice. Then she shot me a glance. “No, we just got here, and Layla surely wants to stay.”

I started to tell her not to worry about me. I mean, I owed her so much for everything she’d done, and besides, I didn’t belong at this party.

Shane broke in. “I can get her back to your place.” Six heads swiveled his way. “If you need to leave, I mean.”

“Layla?” Jo laid the decision at my feet.

Oh, Layla, would you like to climb into a town car and be shuttled back to hang out with Micah Sinclair and Josie Wilder? Or would you like to stay at a party in Adam Copeland’s backyard with a cute red-haired boy with incredible blue eyes?

If anyone had told me either of these options would have been available to me tonight, I would have told them they were writing fan fiction.

I glanced at Shane, and he met my gaze with such intensity, I forgot for a second what the question was. I took a step toward him, relishing how the corner of his lips rose. If I stayed here, I could coax out a full smile.

“Layla?” Jo touched my hand, and I remembered that she was my hostess. I should do what she needed.

“Whatever’s easiest.”

Wrong answer. Jo pursed her lips. “Are you fine with Shane bringing you home?”

“Oh. Yes. Of course.” I clenched my fists tight. Could this be my life?

“Good. I’m sorry to abandon you like this, but you’ll be in good hands.” She stood with Micah supporting her elbow. “Don’t hesitate to knock when you come back. Micah will be up no matter when.”

They gathered their things and left me standing with total strangers that I knew way too much about.

Talking Disaster Forum

Topic: Other Bands - Eden Sinclair - General Conversation - Page 312

Lore wrote:

Has anyone noticed this picture in the DailyFeed of Eden out with baby Joshua? Is it my imagination, or is the little stuffed monkey tucked in with the baby the one we sent in the basket?

DeadFan wrote:

Oooh. I think you may be right! Here’s a picture of the basket we shipped.

PeaceAndLove wrote:

It’s gross how you guys fawn over that whore.

RobinHood wrote:

Whoa. Look what the cat threw up. Think you can sneak in here because Pumpkin’s been occupied?

PeaceAndLove wrote:

You know Eden’s the reason the new album isn’t getting good reviews.

Nefertiti wrote:

PandL’s right. Eden’s the band’s Yoko Ono. It’s only a matter of time before she ruins everything.

RobinHood wrote:

Oh, hello, @Nefertiti. Back to share your bullshit stories about sleeping with Adam?

Nefertiti wrote:

I gave him a better night than he’s had in a long time stuck with that train wreck that trapped him.

DeadFan wrote:

You guys. Do you want me to lock the thread?

PeaceAndLove wrote:

Sure @DeadFan. You scare the shit out of me.

Pumpkin39 wrote:

I’m giving you two options. 1) Follow the rules of the forum and respect everyone including my posters, the musicians, AND their significant others. Or 2) Leave. If you go for some third option, believe me I’ll delete your accounts and block your IP.

Chapter Seven

Once the chaos of Micah and Jo leaving subsided, I asked Eden to point me to the bathroom, mainly as a pretext to check my texts, though I also wanted to take care of my lady linens. Sitting on the toilet, I read Ash’s message. It was unintelligible, so as soon as I flushed, I dialed her.

“Hey, Ash. What’s going on?”

As usual, she spilled it all out Copyright 2016 - 2024