Kind of Famous - Mary Ann Marlowe Page 0,21

forced myself to look toward the sliding door as Micah stepped through, yelling back in the house, “Why exactly did you bring over Mom’s croquet set?”

Eden stuck out her tongue and slid the door closed with her foot.

Shane inched closer. “It’s great to see you again.”

My head turned toward him, the only part of my body following the proper script. I nodded in response, but I’d barely registered the question, and as soon as my eyes made the circuit back to him, they drifted right back over to Adam. Adam Copeland, grilling in his backyard. Adam Copeland, talking about diapers. He wore short sleeves, and I could see the beginnings of his Zoso tattoo on one shoulder. When Peg moved away, he hummed a little tune to himself, with a satisfied little grin on his face.

“I felt the same way as you the first time I met him.”

I twisted back to look at Shane for real. “Huh?”

“Adam.” He raised his hand, and Adam glanced at us, but he didn’t acknowledge that we stood a couple of feet away, openly discussing him. “Before we went on tour, Adam came out to hear us perform. I’m glad nobody told us he was there until after or I might have blown the whole set.”

“And then?”

His eyes narrowed against the setting sun, and his long lashes burned in gold and orange. “He came over and introduced himself as if we didn’t already know who he was. Did you know Adam used to be a drummer?”

The nonsequitur threw me. I swallowed. Yes. I knew that. Was that something I shouldn’t have known? I just nodded like I was listening, not like I was admitting to arcane trivia.

“Well, he was. And even though we’re both musicians, even though we both have drumming in common, I couldn’t think of a word to say to him.”

Adam spoke up. “That’s not how I remember it.”

Shane shrugged one shoulder. “True. I’m a chatterbox, but I was still nervous. So, you know. It’s okay. You could ask him for a picture if you wanted to be a fan for the night. Nobody will think less of you.”

I loved that he’d chosen to acknowledge the weirdness of the situation rather than profess something trite like Adam’s just an ordinary person. I mean, duh, but that’s a bit like saying a million-dollar mansion is just a house. It helped a lot that everyone here understood, and I felt myself relaxing thanks to Shane’s candid confession.

As for the picture. “Thanks. I’m good.” What would be the point? I couldn’t share it on the forum. Was I going to make it my screen saver? Or print it out and hang it on my wall? Maybe I could recover some cool points by declining the photo opp. I had no idea. These were uncharted waters.

To change the topic, I asked, “Where’s Noah tonight?”

Shane’s goofy grin faltered. “Oh, I, uh, told Micah not to invite him.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry.”

I snorted. “Why did you do that?”

His shoulders drooped an inch. “I didn’t want the competition.”

A shiver skittered down my spine. Did he mean what it sounded like? That blush started to creep up his neck, and I figured he must. “I don’t know what you mean,” I lied. “But I’m glad you’re here.”

His eyes shot up and locked onto mine, and that charming little smile melted my heart. His lips were even prettier than Gabriel’s, prettier than Noah’s. His blue eyes were framed in a fan of those gorgeous eyelashes, and he had the smoothest, freckly skin. My breath caught. Was he thinking what I wanted him to be thinking?

He stepped a bit closer and said, “So, maybe—”

My heart tripped.

“Jo?” Zion stood and laid a hand on Jo’s shoulder. While Shane and I were flirting right beside her, she’d slumped forward with her head in her hands.

Micah crossed the deck in two steps, kneeling at her feet. He called in a voice both controlled and urgent. “Eden?”

“On it,” she hollered from inside. She came out two seconds later with the baby cradled in one arm, a bag slung over her shoulder, and a juice box in one hand. She handed the baby to her mom, the bag to Micah, and the juice box to Jo in one smooth series of moves. The juice box disappeared under Jo’s mass of hair spiraling down around her bent head. Micah slipped out a device and punctured one of her fingers.

Adam brushed past me and laid a Copyright 2016 - 2024