Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,48

in there. A smile covers my face at the sight of our things mingled together. This is what I want for the rest of my life. Slowly, I’m going to turn this into our home with Gwen’s input and small touches throughout every single room. For now, it will have to wait.

Finally, I watch the footage. Three men surround my house. They try to get in through the windows, the garage, and the backdoor. Not a single one makes a noise as they try each way inside. While they’re not professional based on the lack of recon and the way they’re trampling all over the place, they are organized a little bit.

The video plays for over ten minutes before they all scatter and I enter the frame. This is where I come home and scare them away. Fox was right; there’s no way to see their faces or any other distinguishing marks on their bodies. These men don’t leave any of their skin exposed and wear all black to blend into the shadows. I’m at a loss. So, I stop the video and make my own calls.

“Porter need to know if those two fuckers are still rottin’ in prison,” I state before my friend Zach Porter can say a word.

Porter is one of the guards where Neil and Gwen’s father are rotting in cells. They’ll be there for a long time if I don’t carry out my own brand of justice on their asses. Well, there is no if about it; I’ll be killing those assholes before long. Anyway, Porter and I served together and help one another out as often as we can.

“They’re still here. In fact, the ex-Senator is currently in the infirmary. He got jumped while out in the yard this morning,” Porter answers me.

“You’re sure Neil is still there?” I question him.

“Yep. I watched him cry like a bitch earlier.”

“Has he had any visitors or made any calls?” I question, needing to know if either one of them have had outside contact. “The Senator either?”

“Neil had a visitor a week ago or so. None for the Senator though,” he informs me. “What’s going on?”

“Someone’s comin’ after my girl,” I state. “I have a feelin’ it’s one of them who put the wheels in motion on this.”

“I’ll see what I can dig up and let you know. Give me until later today to get back to you,” he says before hanging up.

Yeah, it’s the middle of the night and I woke him up. Porter usually works the early shift, so I know I’ll hear back from him in the early afternoon. Setting my phone down, I strip out of my clothes and jump in the shower. I don’t care if the water is hot, warm, or freezing cold at this point. The only thing I want is to take a shower to wash the grime from travelling off me so I can climb into bed.

Leaving my towel in the bathroom, I make my way into my room after grabbing my phone. I set it on the nightstand and slide under the covers. My bed smells like Gwen as I lay down. Letting her scent wash over me, I close my eyes so I can get a few hours of sleep. When I wake up, she’ll know I’m home because I’m bringing her back here with me. It’s not ideal, but we’ll be under the same fucking roof. Rich can stay for now as backup and we’ll spend our time together. Well, when I’m not out searching for these douche canoes.

It’s not long before sleep consumes me. My dreams are filled with pictures of Gwen floating on a loop through my mind.

Chapter Thirteen


IT’S BEEN TWO weeks since Killer got home and brought me back to his house from my sister and Fox’s. Whoever is after me is still out there and no one is any closer to figuring out who it is then we were before Killer came home. He’s been out searching all over for anyone new in town, talking to contacts in order to gain information, and anything else he can do in order to figure out who he’s looking for.

Every time he walks back through the door, frustration fills his face. When he looks at me, he tries to mask it, but it doesn’t work. I can see the frustration and anger lurking behind his eyes. We go to bed every night after eating dinner with Rich. While we’re in bed, we watch TV and Copyright 2016 - 2024