Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,47

eye. I want to be home as soon as possible. It’s not like Stryker isn’t already on his way here.

“Killer, thank you for comin’ out and helpin’ find my girl,” Butcher says, pulling me in for a man hug. “Go take care of your own girl. We’ll see one another soon I’m sure.”

“I’m sure we will.”

I take off and meet Tyler out at the club’s SUV. Getting in, I don’t say a word to him as he leaves the clubhouse to make the hour-long trip to the airport. I’m not sure how long I’ll have to wait for a flight, I’d rather wait there.

There was a red eye I caught just in time. If I had been five minutes later, I wouldn’t have made the flight. No one except for Slim knows I’m back in town yet and that’s how I want to keep it. For now, at any rate. With no one, including Gwen, knowing I’m home, I can stay undercover and find out who the fuck is after my girl.

It’s no coincidence whoever is fucking with her chose to strike while I was out of town. I have a feeling this person has been waiting for the right time and knew I wasn’t around. It’s not like it happened the day I left since I left before the sun even rose. No, they waited and watched the house for a few days before striking. With me out of the picture and a lowly Prospect watching over my girl, they thought she’d be an easier target.

The first place I head is my house. I want to leave my bag there and take a look around the house before doing anything else. Not many people know there’s also a back way to get to my house. It’s not a known road or anything like that; honestly, it’s not more than a dirt path large enough for my bike and maybe my truck. The grass is kept long to partially hide the tracks I’ve made going in the back way.

Once my bike is parked in the shed way out in the back of the property, I make the short trek the rest of the way home. It’s pitch black out with the clouds covering any light that would be shining from the moon. This is the perfect night for me to sneak back into town.

As I get closer to the house, a sound alerts me that someone else is here. So, I move closer making the least amount of sound possible. Just before I get to the back door, I hear footsteps pounding down the driveway. Racing around the front of the house, the only thing I’m in time to see are headlights leaving along with squealing tires.

“Fuck!” I roar out into the still night air as it begins to cool my overheated skin.

Pulling out my phone, I hit Fox. He’ll be up if I know anything about him. With someone after Gwen, he’ll be on his computer trying to figure out who’s after her. He loves her like a little sister and will do anything to her. It helps she’s Kim’s baby sister. He’d still do it if Kim weren’t in the picture at all because she means the world to me. That’s how we all are. If we weren’t, I wouldn’t have been at Butcher’s clubhouse trying to help him figure out where his own woman is.

“Killer, what’s up?” Fox answers immediately.

“Someone’s been at my house. I heard them when I was sneakin’ in the back way. Need you to pull up the footage and tell me how many and what they were doin’,” I state, heading inside.

“You’re back in town?” he questions me.

“Just got back. Slim is the only other one who knows. It needs to stay that way until later tomorrow.”

I hear the clicking of his keyboard in the background while I shut the alarm off. Without saying a word, my phone alerts me to a message.

“Just sent you the link. I’m not sure if they know where the cameras are or what. No pictures seen on the footage. There were three guys there though,” Fox informs me before hanging up.

I pull up the link Fox sent me. Grabbing a beer, I make my way to my bedroom. Looking around, I see Gwen did as I told her and moved her things in while I was gone. Her clothes are hanging up in the closet with mine and her girly shit fills my bathroom as I walk Copyright 2016 - 2024