Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,40

things and move them into my room. When I get back, that’s where you’re stayin’. I want you in my space,” I gently demand since she’s more than half asleep. “I’ll call and message you when I can.”

“Okay, Killer. I love you,” she mumbles, instantly falling back to sleep.

My heart stops in my chest at her admission of loving me. There’s no way she knows what she just said to me. I’ll be reminding her the second I get back because I truly love Gwen. She’s my everything; my light, breath, fresh air, love, peace, and the only one I want when things are weighing me down. I will make sure Gwen believes me when I tell her I love her, that I’m not just saying the words to get what I want from her.

I meet Rich outside as he steps up on the porch. Looking him dead in the eyes, I make sure he knows what his job is.

“You watch over her and make sure she’s protected. Anythin’ happens to her, you’ll pay with your life,” I warn him, letting my voice ensure he knows I mean business. “You stay in my house. Tomorrow, if she needs help, you help her with whatever she needs. She’ll be movin’ her things to my room and you’re to stay in the room she’s been in. No funny business or I’ll cut your fuckin’ cock off and feed it to you.”

“I won’t do anythin’ you wouldn’t approve of. Is she workin’ still?” he questions me, so he knows what to expect.

“Nope. I’m out. I’ll check in when I can. If anythin’ happens, I want to know about it.”

Without saying another word, I leave Rich and make my way to my bike. Once my bag is stashed in my saddle bags, I straddle my girl and take off. I don’t waste any time getting to the clubhouse so I can find out as much information possible before we head out. It will take us a while to get to Butcher and his club. Whatever’s going on, I hope he can hang on that long.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, I don’t bother parking in my spot since we’ll be leaving in a matter of minutes. Walking through the door, I find Slim, Valor, Ghost, Playboy, Des, Wood, and Fox waitin’ on me. At least I believe I’m the one they’re waiting on. I walk right up to Slim so I can find out what’s going on.

“Someone took Butcher’s woman. She’s heavily pregnant and he’s got no clue who has her or where she is. You guys are flyin’ out to get there quicker. Fox is takin’ you guys to the airport,” Slim lets me know. “I don’t know how long you’ll be gone this time. Just help get her back.”

“On it,” I tell him.

We all head out. I stop by my bike long enough to get my bag before piling in the SUV with the rest of the guys. I’m left the front passenger seat because I don’t ride in the back. Never have and never fucking will. Fox gets us to the airport and leaves us there to board our plane. We all leave our weapons with him before he takes off. I also leave him a message to look after Gwen while I’m gone. He assures me he will since she’s his family. I trust him to keep his word when it comes to her.

Chapter Eleven


KILLER HAS BEEN gone for the last three days now. All I know is he’s helping out another club and isn’t sure when he’ll be back. I do remember the morning he woke me up and told me he was leaving, when I was falling back asleep, I told him I love him. That’s not something I was ever going to be prepared to do. For now, I’m thankful he’s not here so I don’t have to face him on a daily basis because I’d run based on the humiliation coursing through my body.

He hasn’t said a single thing about it to me since he’s been gone either. We’ve talked on the phone a few times and he messages me when he can. Maybe I got lucky and even though I remember telling Killer I love him, hopefully he didn’t hear me. I could always get lucky enough for him to have already been out the door when I said it. Or, if he did hear it, I could always pretend not to know what he’s talking Copyright 2016 - 2024