

What reason would he have to kill Douglass and stop the military from revisiting an old project?

Though if he did know of Sam's history, maybe he was still trying to protect her. But why would a man who possessed a ruthless and bloody determination to start a war want to protect someone like Sam? If he planned to use her abilities for his bloody cause, why wouldn't he have snatched her long before she'd come to the notice of the SIU or the military?

What was the damn connection between the two of them?

No one knew, not even Sam. Though given what she'd admitted this afternoon—that she was in telepathic contact with a man she recently met—then maybe she wasn't being as truthful as he'd presumed.

And that made it more important than ever that keep an eye on her. If Sethanon was looking out for her, then maybe his brother was right after all. Maybe she would lead them to the one criminal they'd never been able to sight let alone catch.

"So you think the military was behind the murder?" Illie asked, his voice holding a hint of skepticism.

"No, actually, I don't." He glanced past Illie as Marsden walked towards them. "Yes?"

"Seeing you SIU boys are taking over this one, I thought you might like to handle this. We've two military men outside who want to come in and view the scene."

"Talk about timing," Illie muttered.

"Let them up, Captain. I'll talk to them."

"And the first question that has to be asked," Illie commented, as they followed Marsden back into the living room, "Is how they found out about the murder so quickly. Hell, even the press aren't here yet."

"Maybe they were coming here to see Douglass anyway.

Why don't you see if you can find an appointment book?"

Illie's wry grin flashed. "In other words, get lost while I interview the military men."

Amusement ran though him. "Basically, yes."

"All you had to do was ask, boss." He walked away.

Gabriel shoved his hands into his pockets and waited for the two men. He had every intention of taking them into the bedroom to view the murder scene and watch their reaction, but first, he wanted to assess them.

Within a few minutes, the apartment's front door was opened and a police officer escorted the two men in. The first man was about six feet tall and broad shouldered, with a shock of silver hair that was accentuated by the dark brown of his suit. His face was flat, hard, and the red of a barely healed wound marred the left side of his face. The second man was shorter by several inches, and yet more powerful in his presence.

Gabriel recognized him instantly, even though he'd only seen him once, on Sam's com-screen. General Frank Lloyd from the Hopeworth Military Base. Was he here by coincidence?

Gabriel suspected the answer was no.

The crimecorder spun around in response to the two men walking in. "ID please."

"General Frank Lloyd, from Hopeworth military base."

"General Michael Blaine, also from Hopeworth."

Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "Even with the Foundation's close military ties, surely it's overkill to send two generals to investigate."

"No more than the SIU sending an Assistant Director,"

Lloyd said, and held out his hand. "I don't believe we've met officially."

"No, general, we haven't." He shook the man's hand.

Power rose when their flesh touched, an electricity that felt oddly disturbing. "And since you specifically asked for me and my partner to investigate the break-in at the Foundation, it should come as no surprise that we're now investigating the murder of the person who ran that Foundation."

"I guess not." He paused. "General Blaine here works at Hopeworth, though not in the same area as me. His area of expertise meant he was in contact with Douglass more than I was."