
"There're not many folk in the paranormal community who have the strength to do that," Illie said. "I mean, bear changers would, but a bear changer wouldn't get through that window."

"Nor would any of the big cat changers, though they certainly could tear someone apart. But there would be teeth marks and I presume if something like that was evident, our good captain would have mentioned it."

"He would," Marsden confirmed. "But it wasn't teeth and the separation wasn't clean enough to suggest a blade had been used."

Gabriel shifted to get a better view of the s-bend area, and saw something odd—a feather. A black feather.

"Though of course," Marsden said, "the coroner still has to make her report."

"Found something." Gabriel leaned a shoulder against the wall, and said, "Crimecorder, record image and location of feather for evidence."

The black sphere responded immediately, zipping into the room to hover inches from his head. "Image recorded," a metallic voice stated.

"Resume original position."

Gabriel put on a glove, then reached in and grabbed the dark feather. "It would appear our murderer is a raven."

"A raven shifter wouldn't have the strength to tear someone apart."

"This one obviously did—unless Douglass herself is a changer."

"She's not listed as one." Illie frowned as he handed Gabriel an evidence bag. "A raven is a fairly large bird. Would it even be able to get through a gap like that?"

"Obviously, since that feather is inside rather than out.

Ravens don't exactly make great pets, so why else would the feather be here? Besides, there's blood on some of the quills.

Could be an indication that he or she injured themselves coming in."

"Or going out."

Gabriel nodded. "Are any of Douglass's known associates shapechangers?"

"Not that I've discovered." Illie hesitated as Marsden's phone buzzed. He gave them an apologetic look and stepped away. Illie continued. "I'm only about halfway through the Foundation's employee files. There're several shifters listed, but none are ravens."

"Do a search through the remainder and see what you can find."

"You're not expecting a result, are you?"

Gabriel rose. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because this attack comes a little too soon after the one on us. I think someone is either covering their tracks or sending a warning. Maybe even both."

Illie raised his eyebrows. "How did you come to that conclusion?"

Gabriel told him about the message on the wall. "Penumbra is an old military project that was destroyed by fire. Given the Foundation's military links, it's quite possible that Douglass knew something about the project." Especially given her request that he and his partner investigate a break-in and her obvious disappointment—or concern—that the partner he'd turned up with was male rather than female. They'd wanted Sam there.

Wanted her to do those tests. Douglass might have known why, but her death certainly ensured they'd never be able to ask her.

It was just too damn convenient.

And yet, if the military had killed her to prevent her from talking, why would they leave a message about Penumbra?

That just didn't make sense.

But if not the military, who else?