
"More than a hint." Jessie hesitated, glancing up with a smile as the waitress placed their coffee cups on the table.

"Personally, I think he was desperate to get rid of you simply because you forced him to feel."

"Well, if I had that effect on him, I sure as hell couldn't tell it." He'd shown more emotion with Sandy, in the brief ten minutes she'd seen them together, than he ever had with her over the nine months they'd been partners.

Jessie's smile was a touch wry. "Gabriel's become very adept at controlling his emotions. But I think the fact that he's gone against Stephan's direct orders here proves he does indeed care."

"Or it could simply mean he wanted to ensure my safety until you've all discovered just how useful I might be to the Federation, his first and greatest love."

"The federation is not his greatest love. It's Stephan's."

Jessie tilted her head. There was a sharpness in her brown eyes that made Sam uncomfortable. It almost felt like this woman was capable of seeing far more than most. "How do you feel about Gabriel?"

"He pisses me off more than any man I have ever known."

"You're not alone there." Amusement ran through her rich but soothing voice. "But other than that, I mean."

She raised her eyebrows. "Why do you want to know?

And what does it matter anyway?"

"I want to know because I'm a busybody with the best interests of my brother at heart. And it matters because I think he's acting like a goddamn fool."

"Because he's having me followed?"

"No, because he's ignoring the blindingly obvious."

"Which is?"

Jessie smiled. "Answer the question first."

She sighed. "Okay, I'm attracted to him. Whether it's just a physical thing, or whether it could be more, I'll probably never find out."

"Why not? There is no law stating a woman can't ask a man out. In fact, in this day and age, a woman is a fool if she doesn't go after what she wants."

"I asked him out for coffee and he refused. I dressed sexily and he didn't bat an eyelid. Whether he's attracted or not, he obviously has no intention of pursuing it."

Jessie chuckled softly. "Yeah, well, it's going to take a little more effort than that to land this particular fish."

Sam picked up her coffee, blowing lightly on the steaming liquid as she studied Jessie over the rim. "That's his choice.

It's his life."

"In our family, no one flies solo." Jessie smiled, but Sam had a feeling it wasn't meant to be amusing. That it was a statement of fact and, perhaps, a warning. "If you want him, you must take the lead. Be the hunter, even if it isn't in your nature."

"You're telling me to go after your brother?"

"Yes. Until you nail him." She grinned. "Whether that be sexually, emotionally or both, I don't care.


"Because he is going to end up a very lonely and bitter old man if someone doesn't crack his reserve, and I don't want to see that happen."

"So, why me, specifically? Especially when he apparently has a sexual relationship with another agent."

Jessie waved a hand. "That's just a mutual relieving of tension. You're the first person in a long time that he has shown any sort of emotion toward. Therefore, you're the logical choice."

"I can't believe you're discussing something as intimate as your brother's love life with someone you don't even know."