
Sam swore softly. Jessie McMahon. Gabriel's sister.

The bastard was having her followed.


"You want me to arrange an intercept?" Agent Donner asked.

Sam flexed her fingers in an effort to relax her grip on the steering wheel. "No, I think I'll handle it. Thanks, Donner."

He nodded. "Give me a call if you need help."

"Thanks. I will." She flicked off the viaphone and stared at the white Toyota through the rear-view mirror.

Why was Gabriel having her tailed? And why have his sister do it, when he practically had the entire SIU at his beck and call?

She doubted if he'd provide any answers if she confronted him on it, but Jessie might. The few times she'd met his sister, she'd seemed more upfront, more accessible, than her younger brother.

A green and gold sign came into view, indicating there was a side road half a kilometer ahead, on her left. Perfect.

She leaned forward, switched the computer from autodrive to manual, and moved into the left-hand lane. Leaving the indicator on, she slowed and glanced in the rear-view mirror.

The Toyota had also switched lanes and was sitting behind a red Commodore.

She turned left. Not far ahead, the road did a sharp turn right and disappeared behind some trees. She put her foot down, accelerating round the corner. Once around it, she slued to a stop, the car shuddering as the tires struggled for purchase on the dirt road. As dust puffed around the car, she threw open the door and climbed out. A quick glance confirmed the beginning of the road was hidden by the trees. Jessie wouldn't know Sam had stopped until she rounded the corner.

She walked across to the gum trees and waited. Two minutes later the Toyota came around the corner, making an unintentional beeline straight for her car. She had a brief glimpse of Jessie's shocked face. Then Jessie braked and the Toyota slid sideways, coming to a halt inches away from Sam's rental car.

For several seconds, Jessie didn't move. She simply sat, her hands clenched around the steering wheel and her forehead resting on top of them. Wondering if she'd been hurt in the sudden stop, Sam hurried across and opened the door.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little shaken." Jessie glanced up, a wry smile touching her lips. "But Gabriel's going to kill me for being caught."

"That's if he's still alive after I get through with him." She hesitated, trying to control the swift jab of anger. "You want to explain why he ordered me followed?"

Jessie ran a slightly shaky hand through her dark curls.

"There's a roadside diner about a kilometer up the road. Why don't we talk there? I need some coffee."

"I'll follow you there."

Sam slammed the door shut, walked over to the Ford and climbed in. After starting up the car, she followed Jessie back onto the main road.

Once they reached the diner and had their order taken by the gum-chewing waitress, she crossed her arms on the table and leaned forward. "So, why is he having me tailed?"

Jessie sighed. "He's worried about your safety."

"Yeah, so worried he wanted me dumped as a partner."

She snorted softly. "Be honest, at least."

"I am." Jessie hesitated, gaze suddenly intent. "And you know why he didn't want you as a partner, don't you?"

"He thinks he's jinxed."

Jessie nodded. "His standard excuse for wanting to work alone."

She raised an eyebrow. "Do I detect a hint of sarcasm in that statement?"