Darkness Unbound(24)


"I still can't see how the gates shutting would be such a disaster. I mean, people would still be born."


"Yes, but if no souls could move on and be reborn, then the majority of the newborns would be little more than mindless flesh."


I stared at him for a moment, for the first time actually taking in the implication of his words. And I sure as hell didn't want to believe them. Surely if there was someone in charge upstairs, they wouldn't be that cruel. "Zombies?" I said incredulously. "You're saying they'd be zombies?"


He hesitated. "No. Zombies are flesh brought back to life by the deadly desires of others. A body born without a soul is little more than a slab of meat. It is incapable of thought, emotion, or feeling. It has no needs or desires. It hasn't even got the will to live."


Vegetables, not zombies, something within whispered. I shuddered, and tried not to imagine the hundreds of babies lying in ICUs all over the world, their tiny bodies being kept alive by machines but never becoming capable of knowing love or life.


It made me want to throw up.


But bad situation or not, it really didn't make his following me any easier to swallow.


"Look, I hope like hell you track down my father and stop him, but I really think you're tackling it from the wrong angle. He's never had anything to do with me, so why on earth would he want to do so now, when he's about to embark on a course of action that could endanger all that I hold dear?"


He shrugged again, but I had a suspicion that the nonchalance was faked and he wasn't telling me all he knew. And that his reasons for following me were far more complicated than what he was saying. Though I wasn't entirely sure why I felt this. It wasn't as if his countenance or body language had changed in any way.


"As I said earlier, him contacting you is only a possibility, but one we must explore." 


"So, you've explored it, and I've denied it. What happens next?"


He raised an eyebrow—another ever-so-elegant gesture. "Nothing. I will continue to watch you until we are sure there is no likelihood of him contacting you."


"I'm not really keen on the idea of a reaper shadowing me day and night."


Especially if he remained in this form. I might not have a werewolf's troublesome, moon-controlled hormones, but I was still female, and a good-looking male could affect me as easily as the next woman. Even if that good-looking male wasn't exactly flesh and blood.


"It is not by desire that I do this, trust me."